Dear Apache Logging enthusiast,

In just a few weeks, we'll be holding ApacheCon in Austin, Texas, and we'd
love to have you in attendance. You can save $300 on admission by
registering NOW, since the early bird price ends on the 21st.

Register at

ApacheCon this year celebrates the 20th birthday of the Apache HTTP Server,
and we'll have Brian Behlendorf, who started this whole thing, keynoting
for us, and you'll have a chance to meet some of the original Apache Group,
who will be there to celebrate with us.

We've got 7 tracks of great talks, as well as BOFs, the Apache BarCamp,
project-specific hack events, and evening events where you can deepen your
connection with the larger Apache community. See the full schedule at

And if you have any questions, comments, or just want to hang out with us
before and during the event, follow us on Twitter - @apachecon - or drop by
#apachecon on the Freenode IRC network.

Hope to see you in Austin!

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