
the 3.5.0-* kernels from lemote [1] are vulnerable to CVE-2014-0196 [2],
which makes them somewhat unusable on multi-user systems (if you don't
trust all of your users).

AFAIU this patch [3] should fix the issue for 3.5.0.  I just put a
debian package with a fixed kernel here [4] (only 3.5.0-9.lemote-dk1 or
newer, untested, YMMV etc.)



[1] http://dev.lemote.com/cgit/linux-official.git
[2] http://www.linuxsecurity.com/content/view/161438
[4] https://sourceforge.net/projects/loongson-stuff/files/loongson3a/
GnuPG public key: http://dvdkhlng.users.sourceforge.net/dk2.gpg
Fingerprint: B63B 6AF2 4EEB F033 46F7  7F1D 935E 6F08 E457 205F

Attachment: pgpyIW099xnR7.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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