2019-01-06 Thread Earl Christy
. Would anyone have it or know where I can find it? All the best, Earl Christy -- To get on or off this list see list information at http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

[BAROQUE-LUTE] Bach and Handel

2012-05-23 Thread Earl Christy
Dear B-Luters, I juste wanted to let you know that I put up a recording on my website, under the page De Jonge Meesters. It is of a concert I did last of Bach and Handel. The Handel pieces are from the My Lord Danby Ms. And the Bach is my own intabulation of BWV 821, an early work.

[BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Marta Pas sent you a message on Facebook...

2009-11-04 Thread Earl Christy
-- Forwarded message -- From: Facebook notification+zed6=[1]...@facebookmail.com Date: 2009/10/23 Subject: Marta Pas sent you a message on Facebook... To: Earl Christy [2]galantla...@gmail.com Marta sent you a message. Re: Ciao Ciao


2009-11-04 Thread Earl Christy
Sorry everybody. I tried to forward a message and it got sent to the wrong address. Its just too early! E -- To get on or off this list see list information at http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html


2009-08-15 Thread Earl Christy
PGRpdj5EZWFyIEFsbCw8L2Rpdj4KPGRpdj5JIGFtIHdyaXRpbmcgdG8gYW5ub3VuY2UgdGh lIG9m ZmljaWFsIHJlbGVhc2Ugb2YgbXkgbmV3IHNvbG8gQ0QgLSBORVVFIExBVVRFTkZSVUNIVEU uIDwv ZGl2Pgo8ZGl2PlRoZSB0cmFjayBsaXN0aW5nIGlzIGFzIGZvbGxvd3M6PC9kaXY+CjxkaXY +oDwv

[BAROQUE-LUTE] Official Release - Neue Lautenfruchte again

2009-08-15 Thread Earl Christy
RGVhciBBbGwsPGJyPkkgYW0gd3JpdGluZyB0byBhbm5vdW5jZSB0aGUgb2ZmaWNpYWwgcmV sZWFz ZSBvZiBteSBuZXcgc29sbyBDRCAtIE5FVUUgTEFVVEVORlJVQ0hURS4gPGJyPlRoZSB0cmF jayBs aXN0aW5nIGlzIGFzIGZvbGxvd3M6PGJyPqA8YnI+U3VpdGUgaW4gRiBNYWpvciAtIFByZWx 1ZGU8

[BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Baroque lute and traverso

2008-10-22 Thread Earl Christy
I think the problem you might encounter is not finding music for this combination, but finding too much. if you think of the baroque lute as the continuo member then you can play almost any of the sonata's for traverso. Vivaldi, Quantz, Paganelli, Ruge, Telemann, ect. even with