    Funny, my friend was playing in Britanny (on the Norther coast  
"côte rose") and you can't get much more humid than that, especially  
this year. When I go there my hygrometer registers well above 60.

The strings have lasted him the summer vacation. He was worrying more  
about the winter.
Well, I told the story more for putting a slightly humouristic angle  
on the question, but there may be things to learn from both uses of gut.

The main thing is that he has been enjoying his tennis more.
Best regards

Le 26 août 07 à 13:44, Bernd Haegemann a écrit :

>> Are there any lutists who also play tennis and use gut for both? How
> If you live in a place like Brussels, a gut-strung racket will reduce
> the joy of outdoor tennis to approximateley 2 hours per year :-)))
> When I was young there were only gut-strung wooden rackets.
> I remember many years later how Bjoern Borg tried to revive
> this, I saw a match in Hamburg. No chance!
>> do you feel about this? Is there any common research between the
>> makers of gut for both activities?
> In 17th century France there were also lutes and the jeu de paume  
> (court tennis -
> there was a court in Versailles, for example.
> BH
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