Dear Lute World: I have finally had a chance to start sorting through and 
uploading musical files given to me by Pat O’Brien before his death. I have 
updated the website <> as follows:

Added files to the sections on Baroque Lute 
<>), Baroque Guitar 
<>), and Theorbo 

For every piece there is the opportunity to download either a PDF file or a 
Sibelius file (when both are available). I know Sibelius isn’t most 
people’s first choice program but it’s what Pat used and I think the free 
trial version still lets you print, so you could “print as pdf”. 

I originally started posting files in a table format (as you can see on the 
other tabs) but it was a huge amount of extra work for me and my limited html 
skills. Hopefully this simpler format is still easy enough to navigate. 

I do plan to expand on the continuo and songs sections. I’m holding off 
posting more Renaissance files because it does look as though the long 
anticipated Ren Lute book will finally go ahead.

Please feel free to email with comments, especially if the site doesn’t work 
on the operating system/browser pair you happen to use. Also, if you have 
unique files from Pat that you would like me to add, I’m happy to do so. It 
is certainly the wish of his wife and daughter that his scholarly output be 
made freely available.


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