This is one of the most interesting and exciting project in which
   Cuerdas Pulsadas has been involved, and we are happy to share it with
   all of you.
   A few months ago, John Griffiths shared with us a project that was
   brewing in Trujillo (Caceres, Spain) ... The idea was so simple that it
   seems crazy to us: students technology institute "Francisco Orellana"
   were engaged in the construction of nine vihuelas, with no previous
   knowledge of lutherie, without having previously known the instrument
   and barely have materials and tools for a work of such magnitude ...
   As we met the scope of the adventure we did not hesitate for a moment:
   Cuerdas Pulsadas had to support this pioneering initiative and then we
   offered all the help that was in our hand to bring it to success.
   You can read all about this adventure in our blog:
   There are also several photos and an interesting  interview with the
   We would like to congratulate the teacher (Fran Caballero) and his
   students for all of this project, John Griffiths for its invaluable
   help and the "Sociedad de la Vihuela" (Anibal Soriano) for its support.
   Kind regards.
   De conformidad con lo dispuesto en la Ley Organica 15/1999 de
   Proteccion de Datos de caracter Personal DAVID MORALES DE FRIAS, con
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   usted no sea el destinatario autorizado, le rogamos borre el contenido
   del mensaje y nos comunique dicha circunstancia a traves de un mensaje
   de correo electronico a la direccion [3]




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