biber {Biblatex-citation-styles}

2013-11-12 Thread Christian Engler
Hello, how could I enable the field Text Before at 'Insert'-'Citation'. I'm using / \usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear-icomp,//natbib=true]{biblatex} / / andinstalled the modul //Biblatex-citation-styles//as described here So my main question is:

biber {Biblatex-citation-styles}

2013-11-12 Thread Christian Engler
Hello, how could I enable the field Text Before at 'Insert'-'Citation'. I'm using / \usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear-icomp,//natbib=true]{biblatex} / / andinstalled the modul //Biblatex-citation-styles//as described here So my main question is:

biber {Biblatex-citation-styles}

2013-11-12 Thread Christian Engler
Hello, how could I enable the field "Text Before" at 'Insert'->'Citation'. I'm using / \usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear-icomp,//natbib=true]{biblatex} / / andinstalled the modul //Biblatex-citation-styles//as described here So my main question is: