On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 4:10 AM CarLaTeX <carlatex...@gmail.com> wrote:

2017-03-13 8:27 GMT+01:00 Guenter Milde <mi...@users.sf.net>:

On 2017-03-12, Steve Burnham wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 11, 2017 at 10:35 PM CarLaTeX <carlatex...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Il 12 Mar 2017 4:05 AM, "Steve Burnham" <dan...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

>> I'm having a hard time figuring an error out LyX gives on compilation.
>> trying to include a list of figures in my document. One document based on
>> the same template (custom university thesis template) but this document
>> throws the following error:

>> Contents.

>> ! Undefined control sequence.

>> l.117 \listoffigures


> I was trying to avoid the minimal example since I have to use a
> dropbox link because of all of the custom class and layout files.

We still ask to provide a minimal example. It is far more easy for you
than for anyone else (downloading and experimenting with uncommon stuff)
and has to be done anyway to get to the core of the problem.


Sorry, I did "reply" instead of "reply to all":

The culprits are these commented lines in your uuthesis.cls:

%  \iflistoffigures
%    \newpage
%    \thispagestyle{empty}
%    \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{LIST OF FIGURES}
%    \mainheading{LIST OF FIGURES}\vskip 3pt
%    \ifnoisy \typeout{List of Figures.} \fi
%    \@starttoc{lof}
%  \else
%    \ifnoisy \typeout{No list of figures.} \fi
%  \fi

If you leave out all the "%", you'll get your LoF.

However, I think you have to ask who provided you the uuthesis.cls, maybe
they have commented those lines because they don't want LoFs in that kind
of thesis.

Good luck for your graduation!


P.S. = However, Günter is right, I you had done a MWE, you would probably
have found the problem by yourself!

Thank you all that did it.

Funny thing is once I started uncommenting things I realized that I was the
one who commented it out several years ago when I was doing my master's
thesis. The rule is if you have more than 25 figures then there is no list
of figures which I find silly. I have more than 25 for my dissertation but
for my own personal copy I want the list. I swore I had removed the
functionality but thought I made changes in the preamble. After being
unable to fix it I figured it must be something else and emailed out. So
thanks again, it feels great to be finished!


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