Globesity Festival Oct 22-28, 2007 New York City

Art becomes action when its intention is vested in the
interest of the people, bringing SOLUTIONS TO LIGHT. 
Action becomes Direct Action when we engage in an ACT
of confrontation beyond the confines of the space
society designates for the artist.  

This act is a HUNGER STRIKE. 

We are inviting artists to participate in a juice
fast, then conceive a work of performance to be
performed at the festival in October.  

For centuries people have fasted, seeking better
health, spiritual understanding, and justice.  An
Intense Clarity comes from Fasting.  We will provide
all Hunger Strike participants access to health
professionals and our online resource center to
support each fast. We fast in SOLIDARITY for

The Globesity Festival is a Solutionist's Laboratory. 
Through the microscope of fasting we are creating an
experiment that will bring together artists,
activists, intellectuals, the youth and general
public.  Social, political and economic wolves have
ravaged, shaken, and scattered so many of our beloved
friends and colleagues leaving generations
dis(sed)-Connected.  Our neighborhoods are shifting
out from under us.  Eleven years ago Penny Arcade
said, "There is a gentrification that happens to
buildings and neighborhoods and there is a
gentrification that happens to ideas."  The
Solutionist's Laboratory is a think-tank of
performance, inter-generational dialogue, and
re-Affirmation of connection among artists, activists,
and the community.  Through the Clarity of Fasting WE
seek solutions. 

This is a HUNGER STRIKE for a reConnection with the
beautiful regenerative powers we possess in our bodies
and in our mind. A STRIKE for SOLUTIONS.  They tell us
shopping is patriotic and dissent is not!  Let's stop
consuming for one week.  We need to come together to
share and build effective solutions to the
exploitative consumer culture that is quickly
destroying our planet, our cultures, our spirit and
our bodies.  Change starts with the personal.  Let's
take back our bodies, so we can begin to take back our
communities, our country and our world.  

Come join us! Contribute Your Art!  The World is
Waiting to See What YOU have to Say.

WHAT: Engage in a Ten Day juice fast and conceive a
work of performance (whatever that means to you - a
play, a dance, a song to the moon – whatever you do). 
As the work will be performed as part of a shared
evening we ask that the work be anywhere from 5 to
30ish minutes. Please email a statement of intention,
and a little information about who you are to

Go to Fasting for more info and fasting support.  All
questions will be addressed!  SOLIDARITY!    
All Globesity Artists should consult their physician
before undertaking the ten-day juice fast.

At the Theatre for the New City

Tamara Wyndham

"A certain ruthlessness and a sense of alienation from society is as essential 
to creative writing as it is to armed robbery."
- Nelson Algren

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