Exit Art is asking for responses to the question: What does green mean to you? 
for the exhibition It’s Not Easy, a show inspired by the recent tidal wave of 
efforts to go “green”. Curated entirely through email submissions, responses 
will be printed on 8½” x 11” paper and exhibited in Exit Art’s lower level 
gallery venue, Exit Underground.

As buildings seek LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) 
certification, as major corporations seek to “green” their practices, and as 
global warming puts the need to be green at the forefront, we are virtually 
inundated with social pressures to be environmentally sustainable. But what 
does the word ‘green’ really mean? Does it adequately describe a movement to be 
sustainable? What does green mean to you? Exit Art wants to investigate the 
etymological, historical, environmental and psychological readings of GREEN.

You may respond both in image and text to the question: What does green mean to 
you? by submitting your work formatted to fit on an 8½” x 11” sheet of paper. 
Your submission can take the form of a letter, text, drawing, poem, collage, 
photograph, or any other format that can fit on a piece of paper. Submissions 
should be sent as a PDF or JPEG in an email attachment. All images must be 300 
dpi or greater and all texts should be embedded. Please include your full name, 
city, state and country of residence in the email. You may submit more than one 

Accepted submissions will be exhibited in Exit Underground from July 24 – 
August 29, 2008. Submissions should be emailed to Lauren Rosati, Assistant 
Curator, at [EMAIL PROTECTED] by Friday, July 11, 2008.



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