Hello to all. 

I have the latest version of MacPorts (base version 1.320) and am 
running 10.4.8 on an iMac G5.

I am trying to install duplicity using MacPorts and have run into a 
problem with the installation of gnupg (which duplicity requires). 
Namely, it hangs during configuration. In the Activity Monitor, I can 
see that tar is using about half the CPU. This looks very similar to 
bug #10227 <http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/macports/ticket/10227>, 
but the gnupg portfile I have seems to have been updated as suggested 
there, and I am at a loss. Like [EMAIL PROTECTED] from that thread, I 
have found that manually executing cd and configure works. However, 
despite my having done so, when the gnupg configuration is concluded 
and I reattempt to install duplicity, I get the same hang-up as before, 
at "Configuring gnupg".

I've googled, and searched through the archives for this list through 
September, but found nothing. Can anyone help?

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