Begin forwarded message:

From: Ben Greenfield <>
Date: January 3, 2009 9:24:57 AM EST
To: Anders F Björklund <>
Subject: Re: GnuCash packaging

On Jan 3, 2009, at 3:39 AM, Anders F Björklund wrote:

Charles Day wrote:

Well I tried the following workaround for ticket 10881, but macports started trying to include the wrong dependencies. For example, it tried to include dependencies based on X11 when I specified gnucash +no_x11 (see gnome-desktop at the end as an example).

In addition, it seems that some dependencies are required to be built into their own destroots in advance (see the error message for aqbanking below).

So I'm not sure how I should try again to make it work.

Disable autoclean in macports.conf, uninstall and clean everything, and start over ?

The "force destroot" workaround requires that you do it for every single port, including all dependencies and making sure all needed variants are included...

"Given that this has been around for 2 years, is this considered a bug or a feature?"

I think it is a requirement and should be documented as such.

It seems pretty straight forward if you want to use mdmg or pkg on needs to build with autoclean disabled in macports.conf

The next question is what else does it effect. Without doing any research these are my guesses.

dmg, dpkg, mpkg, ...

Still Digging,



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