Jessy Kate Schingler wrote:
>then i go to follow the example on how to create new mailing lists:
>but attempting to import mailman packages fails, so it seems the python
>packages aren't installed? so i run `python install` in main
>mailman directory. after that, the imports work, but i get an error at the
>point of trying to call `command.process(FakeArgs)` as described on the
>create page. the error is as follows:

All the code in the docs was run as part of the doctest suite when you
ran the tests, so it presumably works in your install. I suspect the
issue is you just don't have paths and things set right.

If you actually want to run Python code, you should run it via
Mailman's "bin/mailman shell" (or "bin/mailman withlist" which is the
same thing).

However, for creating lists and other common tasks, there are
subcommands of the bin/mailman command. Run "bin/mailman help" for
more info.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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