
I've recently been playing with the OpenARC milter for Sendmail. I have it running, and it seems to be working properly, except for one thing. When a message is sent to one of my Mailman 2 lists, OpenARC adds an ARC set to the incoming message before it ever hits Mailman. Then the message hits Mailman, and on the way out, OpenARC adds another ARC set to the message, this one indicating the ARC validation failed. Now, if I understand the RFC correctly, any ARC-aware MTA that sees this failure is going to treat the entire ARC chain as though it never existed since the most recent ARC set indicated validation failure. If this is the case, then the whole exercise is pointless.

Now some questions. OpenARC has a configuration option to treat certain hosts as trusted, and the Man page indicates that if no hosts are listed there, localhost is automatically added. If this is true, I don't know why OpenARC is processing messages on the way out of Mailman, since that should be a localhost to localhost connection. Is OpenARC the best Milter to use with Sendmail for this purpose? Is there something else I'm doing wrong or overlooking?



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