On 2/9/21 11:32 AM, pwill...@fredhutch.org wrote:
> Hi,
> We're running Mailman version 3 that's using a mail relay for sending mail.

The list for Mailman 3 users is mailman-us...@mailman3.org

> We've been running into issues where many mailing list members are being 
> disabled due to their mail servers using grey listing through Mimecast. 
> Sending mail to an individual user from the relay server directly results in 
> the message being sent, as the mail is retried after one minute and is 
> allowed through. I'm noticing that it seems like when Mailman sends mailing 
> list messages to these users it seems like the message is not being retried 
> after a minute, or that mailman is interpreting the grey listing as a bounce 
> back and disabling the member as a result.
> I realize this could be a MTA issue, but I was wondering if any one else has 
> come across this before and how they've fixed it. Any help is greatly 
> appreciated!

The notifications in Mailman 3 don't (yet) include the bounce DSN, so
you need to get that information from the MTA. What I can tell you is
Mailman will not interpret a message with a 4xx status as a bounce, and
it is the MTA, not Mailman that is responsible for retrying 4xx status

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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