
Last evening I received an Email from "Hotmail deliverability support" indicating they'd implemented mitigation for my IP, and that it could take up to twenty-four hours for it to propagate through their systems. When this has happened before, it has never taken anywhere near that long for me to be able to send Emails again. Now over ten hours later I'm still unable to send Emails to Hotmail/Live/MSN/Outlook. Normally I might think it might actually be taking this long this time, except for the fact that their so-called (probably automated) initial investigation didn't find anything wrong at their end, and yet I was still block listed.

Has anyone else seen this from Microsoft. Does anyone know if they perhaps sometimes block entire subnets? I have to think whatever's going on is probably bigger than me E.G. they mitigated my IP (even though they couldn't find anything wrong) but something in the bigger picture is still insisting I be block listed? This is getting really old, really fast.

Thanks for any thoughts,


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