On 3/11/02 12:59 PM, "Bob Puff@NLE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think that having those options would be nice, but also please allow for
> reply-to being forced back to the list (regardless of user settings).  Some of
> us require that.

Bob's got a point. There has to be a way to say "don't override", although,
if you don't enable the option for a list, don't you already get that?

The other thing I'd like like to see is an option to 'strip all reply-tos'
so that a reply-to that is set as it enters the mailman system is removed
and not propogated. Allowing and end-user's reply-to to propogate can cause
all sorts of havoc, and frankly, can be used to mailbomb someone if you want
to play troll.

(imagine this scenario: I'm mad at someone. So I log onto a mac mailing list
and say "microsoft rules!" -- and set the reply-to to the person I'm mad at.
If you don't strip that reply-to, all the angry replies go back to the poor
schmuck in the reply-to -- and since I've already abandoned the hotmail
account I used to start the bomb, I'm off scott free....)

Chuq Von Rospach, Architech
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://www.chuqui.com/

He doesn't have ulcers, but he's a carrier.

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