Hi everyone,

The videos are available on a YouTube playlist via this handy short URL: http://tdf.io/52vids

NOTE: They are unlisted at the moment, so please don't share the link around until release day (Wed 3 August). I'm posting it here for anyone who wants to contribute translations and audio in other languages. The scripts are here:


If anyone wants to contribute translations there, that would be awesome! Even better would be audio recordings, if possible. Some tips:

* A dedicated microphone is better than a built-in laptop one. Decent USB mics are around €15-20 (check the reviews) * Try to avoid speaking directly into the mic; speak slightly to the side to avoid "pop" noises (or get a pop guard) * Break up the audio into sections as in the scripts, and try to keep the recordings around the same length, to make them easier to drop in

Thanks in advance for any contributions!

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation

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