Here is the agenda!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sriram Ramkrishna <>
Date: Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 4:54 PM
Subject: Marketing Meeting Reminder next week Tuesday 20:00 UTC Feb 26, 2013
To: GNOME Marketing List <>

Greetings folks,

It's time for another marketing meeting scheduled for Tuesday.  Can someone
provide some agenda items?  Some off hand..

* GNOME 3.8 release preparation
   * making ourselves open to the media (interviews, blogposts, etc)
   * images prior to freeze for community feedback
* Friends of GNOME update
* GNOME in the media
* Going over the results of Flavia's work
* Conference participation updates

Current action items:

   - Karen will work on a general privacy statement from GNOME
   - Allan will work on feature list for 3.8 release.
   - Karen will email release team about having a meeting to talk about 3.8
   - Sri to schedule time for working on the Annual Report content together

   [All] Look at the FoG mockups and provide some feedback -
   - Karen could ask for hardware donations for future conferences
   - Andreas to look at design area of forums as well as re-doing their
   theme - waiting on a proposal so that they have something to switch.

   Karen will open up a dialogue for more formal communication between
   release team and marketing team. *IN PROGRESS* - meet specifically for
   3.8, mail was sent. We should start talking about release planning. Karen
   will follow up.

Anything else?
marketing-list mailing list

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