Excerpt/link for those who might be interested:

I'm Misesian to the extent that I recognize the applicability of
calculation problems. I can't tell you whether or not three thwarted
border crossings, two criminal charges for consensual acts of sodomy
between consenting adults, and $20,000 in capital gains taxes are
"less than," "equal to," or "greater than" one murdered Iraqi in some
hypothetical unit of force initiation. I'm happy to take the word of
Justin Raimondo that the answer is "less than" -- but I'm not willing
to take the next step, because it leads off a ledge.

That next step is the Rothbardian proclamation, as trumpeted by
Raimondo, of "the primacy of foreign policy in determining the
politics and direction of an ideological movement."

I certainly give great weight to foreign policy issues, and have
generally agreed with Raimondo and with the editorial line of
AntiWar.Com on those issues. But primacy -- "the state of being first
in importance?" No. At least not if that means in action what Raimondo
now seems to be saying it means: That it is the affirmative obligation
of libertarians to support a candidate who is libertarian on foreign
policy, even if that candidate is anti-libertarian on other issues.

That seems to be the gravamen of Raimondo's approach to the matter of
libertarian non-support for Ron Paul, as well as the approach of the
"paleo-libertarian" bloc. To be honest, it strikes me as a mirror
image -- admittedly distorted, but discernible -- of the Eric Dondero
line on supporting Rudy Giuliani: "Who cares about the war, dude?
C'mon -- he's pro-choice on abortion!"
-----END EXCERPT-----

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