[marketliberal] Re: Starchild on Iraq

2006-08-15 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Starchild wrote: SC "The duty of a liberty-loving polity to defend human liberty vanishes completely at lines drawn on maps by statists." Were you being sarcastic, or did you mean to say it *doesn't* vanish completely?SC The latter. I inadvertentlycopied and pasted

[marketliberal] Why No Vast Libertarian Conspiracy? (CF Remix)

2006-08-17 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message I disagree with pretty much anybody who says there is only one right institutional or tactical way to focus liberty-increasing effort. There are wrong ways (like creating extra liberty-oriented parties), but there is no single right way.The Libertarian Party,the Republican

RE: [marketliberal] Re: What we know and don't know about 9/11

2006-08-19 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Thomas L. Knapp writes: TK I don't know if I qualify as either a 9/11 "conspiracy theorist" or an 11/22 "conspiracy theorist. I am skeptical of elements of the "official story" in both cases, but don't necessarily have a specific counter-narrative to offer for

[marketliberal] Knowing Humans: Holtz vs. Brouillet Co. on 9/11 Truth

2006-08-23 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message On Thursday Aug 17 my Green opponent Carol Brouillet invited me to be a "skeptic" on a Palo Alto community access TV show about the 9/11 "Truth Movement". I agreed, even though I had been stunned by the size of the 9/11 conspiracy industry that was evident in the 200-page

[marketliberal] Questions for the 9/11 Truth Movement

2006-08-31 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message [cc'ing editors at the Guardian, as well as my campaign's open emailforum] Hi Carol, As a 9/11 "Truth" activist you ask a lot of questionsabout 9/11 -- including the questions you shouted at Rep. Anna Eshoo when you interrupted my debate with her in Mountain Viewon Oct

[marketliberal] Knowing Humans: 10 Questions For The 9/11 Truth Movement

2006-08-31 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Now that my race for Congress includes a Green who claims the Bush administration staged 9/11, I've surveyed the landscape of the 9/11 conspiracy funhouse. As someone who spent years debunking JFK conspiracy theories in the pre-Web era of the Internet, I've had no trouble

[marketliberal] RE: Questions for the 9/11 Truth Movement

2006-09-01 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Robert Fortewrites: RFForgive me if I am missing something, but it appears you have done exactly as I suspected you would: You've publicized a private correspondence with your own "last word" and as far I can see, you did not print my rebuttal to your reply, making

[marketliberal] Re: constitutional expert

2006-09-04 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Paul Ireland wrote: PI I am an EXPERT when it comes to the Constitution and it would be a big mistake for you, or anyone else on this group to challenge me. PI Yawn. It's been over six months and you still haven't answered my Constitutional arguments at

[marketliberal] Fact-Checking The 9/11 Truth Movement

2006-09-07 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message On Thursday Aug 17 my Green opponent Carol Brouillet invited me to be a "skeptic" on an Aug 21 Palo Alto community access TV show about the 9/11 "Truth Movement". I agreed, and my concerns over a possible ambush were greatly eased by email exchanges in the intervening days

[marketliberal] Re: Questions For The 9/11 Truth Movement

2006-09-07 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message "Gordon Ross" wrote at http://blog.360.yahoo.com/knowinghumans?p=384: GR Standing for Congress? With the massive holes, untruths, half-truths and inconsistencies in this article you should fit right in. GR Whoops, looks like the conspirators are trying to smear the

[marketliberal] Re: conspiracy theories

2006-09-07 Thread Brian Holtz
high". :-) BHTK Actually, no. Read it again. TK Istand by my statement, because I indeed am telling people that Andrews wasn't ready to scramble armed fighters on less than five minutes' notice on 9/11. I hope you're not going to claim that your"tells you" literally mean

[marketliberal] RE:Allow freedom of conscience on intervention

2006-09-16 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Kevin Bjornson wrote: KB Very good work, Brian. KB Thanks! In typical Libertarian fashion, I'll only speak below to the few areas where we might disagree. :-) KB If we minimize libertarianism to the non-initiation-of-force principle, we don't need to sacrifice purity

[marketliberal] Re:Allow freedom of conscience on intervention

2006-09-16 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Thomas L. Knapp wrote: BH anyone who claims that the ZAP sufficiently defines libertarianism is saying that libertarianism is hopelessly inadequate for governing a polity. BH TK Perhaps, but not necessarily so. It could also be (as a matter of fact it is) that

[marketliberal] RE: In Defense of Open Immigration

2006-09-16 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Starchild wrote: BHHaving an extra child incurs a nearly-two-decade legal obligation -- and an emotional and biological imperative -- to nourish, shelter, educate, and otherwise care for it. I'll gladly support open immigration for anyone who can get a landowning

[marketliberal] Re: Allow freedom of conscience on intervention

2006-09-19 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Thomas L. Knapp wrote: BH Nothing you said contradicts my point that no single-sentence libertarianaxiom (e.g the ZAP) can deterministically uncompress into areasonably complete political theory. BH TK I wasn't attempting to contradict your point TK It sounded like

[marketliberal] RE: US imperialism; WMD tech to avoid regime change

2006-09-30 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Steve Meier wrote: SM Fact is the US sent troops from the USS Boston into Hawaii and then anexed [sic] Hawaii into the United States. SM Since you're merely repeating something you said before, I'll repeat my rebuttal of it that you lack the intellectual courage to

[marketliberal] RE: Hawaii's 1893 coup and Iraq's 2003 liberation

2006-10-05 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Steve Meier wrote: SM When you decide to move a discussion to a new location the ethical way to do so is to tell the new audience where the debate originated so that any interested party may review the earlier dialogs. Ohh was that over your head? In conclussion you

[marketliberal] Christianity and the Declaration of Independence

2006-10-08 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message It's one month to the election. The D of I was written two centuries ago. I don't think we're going to break much new ground here. The two best articles I've ever read on the topic are:

[marketliberal] Re: Debating freedom of conscience over libervention

2006-10-09 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Thomas L. Knapp wrote: TK Feel free to refer me to where I called your position "pro-war." I don't think you can, because I don't ever recall doing so. TK I was the only candidate mentioned by you in that paragraph, but apparently this was a miscommunication. TKYour

[marketliberal] Re: Yahoo! and Aliens

2006-10-11 Thread Brian Holtz
JR Conlin wrote: As far as I'm concerned, sending out the data in what is effectively a tight beam narrow cast awfully darn close to a significant noise source seriously limits the sort of folks that might be able to hear us. Kind of like me trying to get a cat's attention with a laser

[marketliberal] Re: Desirability of taxes (or lack thereof)

2006-10-12 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Starchild wrote: SCYou can substitute "several minutes" for "several seconds" and it fits my argument just as well -- the point being that rape is not like shooting someone dead, which either happens or it does not, with no middle ground.SC I'm simply going to have

[marketliberal] RE: 911truth.org afriad to publish candidate questionnaire response

2006-10-12 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message My Green opponent Carol Brouillet wrote: CB Brian Holtz should not have his name and website linked on the frontpage as a supporter of a real 911 investigation.CB Amen. They've now taken me off their list. After all, 911truth.org can't risk exposing its fragile

[marketliberal] San Mateo County Times article

2006-10-13 Thread Brian Holtz
what she believes to be a cover-up of what really happened on Sept. 11. Libertarian Brian Holtz, 41, a software engineer at Yahoo and resident of Los Altos Hills, first ran against Eshoo two years ago. An advocate of market-based solutions for education, health care and the environment, Holtz hopes

[marketliberal] Re: WGLA Initiatives page completed

2006-10-13 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Re: http://www.wgla.org/Politics/initiatives2006novExcellent work.Do you know whether the lifetime GPS and other new punishment rules of Prop 83apply to already-convicted people and thus areex post facto laws? Also,can you fix the opinion link for 1D? __._,_.___

[marketliberal] RE: Fact-Checking The 9/11 Truth Movement

2006-10-14 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Karl Meyers wrote: KM Ask George W Bush what his brother Marvin Bush's security company was doing inside the twin towers just before 9/11? You won't get an answer. KM I already know the answer, but you apparently don't.You obviously didn't read what I was quoted as

[marketliberal] RE: Fact-Checking The 9/11 Truth Movement

2006-10-14 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Dennis wrote: DBrian, i don't have time to respond to every piece of disinformation and misinformation in your attached postD Then try responding to what you consider the singlemost egregious piece of "disinformation" or "misinformation" therein. Go ahead, make my day.

[marketliberal] RE: Fact-Checking The 9/11 Truth Movement

2006-10-14 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Karl Meyers wrote KM It is not an urban legend about molten steel. It has been proven and verified by scientists. They found and have evidence of thermate too. The 9/11 truth movement has solid evidence of molten steel and thermate. This is undeniable and

[marketliberal] Knowing Humans: Guide to 2006 California Ballot Measures

2006-10-15 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Here are the LP-CA's recommendations for November's ballot measures. The most important ones are 89 (campaign finance) and90 (eminent domain and takings). 86 (cigarette taxes) and 87 (oil taxes) will have a big impact if they pass. 85 (parental abortion notification) will

[marketliberal] Guide to California's Minor Parties

2006-10-21 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Under California law a party is qualified to participate in primary (and thus also general) elections if 1) it achieves as many registrants as 1% of the voter turnout in the last regular gubernatorial election, or 2) had a statewide candidate win a 2% share in that

[marketliberal] Re: Kieth Olberman, idiot with a TV show.

2006-10-23 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Alan Rice wrote: AR "Unlawful combatant" is a dishonest term. Since the invaders make the (martial) law, ANY combatant not on our side is "unlawful". AR "Unlawful" refers to the Geneva Conventions, not to the laws of the invaded or invader. The Geneva Conventions are

[marketliberal] Re: Kieth Olberman, idiot with a TV show.

2006-10-24 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Allen Rice wrote: AR It required the existing uniformed army to disband, so that wearing the uniform became a crime. AR Not a war crime. Again, you're inexplicably conflating two kinds of law here. It was neverU.S. military policy to deny POW status toIraqi soldiers

[marketliberal] Re: Kieth Olberman, idiot with a TV show.

2006-10-24 Thread Brian Holtz
Title: Message Allen Rice wrote: Wiki members of militias not under the command of the armed forces- that of being commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates; WikiAR "a" and "his" are singular, hence my reading of a "single force" AR "Militias" is plural. The point of

[marketliberal] RE: lite stuff

2006-10-30 Thread Brian Holtz
whoset the level of liteness in this discussion.] Brian Holtz Internet Infidels http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/brian_holtz/bio.html __._,_.___ SPONSORED LINKS Silicon valley real estate

[marketliberal] Why was Yahweh so incompetent?

2006-10-31 Thread Brian Holtz
ausible argument. You can either answer it, or you can't. Is what you wrote above really the best response you can come up with? SCHow can you even call this an argument? SC My argument wasn't "Brian Holtz can't stomach hell, therefore Jesus is proven false". My argument is quo

[marketliberal] RE: It was interesting

2006-11-14 Thread Brian Holtz
David Erickson makes only two attempts to cite actual facts or sources, so I'll dispose of them first: DE The actual quote from the book (Without Precedent) is Fog of war could explain why some people were confused on the day of 9/11. But it could not explain why all of the after-action

[marketliberal] RE: It was interesting

2006-11-15 Thread Brian Holtz
Harland Harrison wrote: HH The Iraq war weighs heavily on the conscience because it killed and injured so many Iraqis. HH As we found out in our discussion http://groups.yahoo.com/group/marketliberal/message/862 of the Trolley Problem, the difference between you and me seems to be that only

[marketliberal] RE: Electing People to Office is NOT the Purpose of the Libertarian Party! (by LP co-founder David Nolan)

2006-11-18 Thread Brian Holtz
Gene Trosper wrote: GT If we can begin to garner enough votes on the congressional level to be the difference between the two major candidates, believe me...we're going to see a change on Capitol Hill if they want to persuade the cranky Libertarian vote time after time. We don't have to win

[marketliberal] RE: On Milton Friedman

2006-12-07 Thread Brian Holtz
not sayin wrote: Is it possible that free markets are not a 'correct' choice, but only one side of the equation that seeks equilibrium between irrational markets and irrational government planning ? Yes, though I would say imperfect rather than irrational. If by free markets you mean

[marketliberal] Knowing Humans: My Iraq Mistake

2007-02-11 Thread Brian Holtz
The Bush Administration's first-order mistakes on Iraq have included: 1. Asserting it was plausible that Saddam had been involved in 9/11. 2. Asserting that terrorists attacked America on 9/11 because they hate our freedoms. 3. Claiming that fighting them there makes it less

[marketliberal] RE: Oxymoron it is

2007-02-19 Thread Brian Holtz
Allen Rice wrote: AR oxymoron: a combination of contradictory or incongruous words Of the first six dictionaries cited by onelook.com, only the best one (Merriam-Webster) includes incongruity as an alternative to the usual sense of outright contradiction or opposition. When people make hay

[marketliberal] Re: The Future of the LPRC

2007-02-21 Thread Brian Holtz
the cause of freedom. Brian Holtz 2006 California LP Platform Committee Rep http://marketliberal.org/FixLP.html http://marketliberal.org/FixLP.html 2004/6 Libertarian candidate for Congress, CA14 (Silicon Valley) http://marketliberal.org http://marketliberal.org/ blog: http://knowinghumans.net

[marketliberal] More Jedi rhetorical tricks

2007-02-23 Thread Brian Holtz
Allen Rice wrote: BH No other polity in human history has used its military as much as we have to promote the cause of local democratic sovereignty. [O]ur record in advancing human liberty is nevertheless unmatched in human history. BH AR I don't share Brian's enthusiasm for the net record of

[marketliberal] RE: More Jedi rhetorical tricks

2007-02-24 Thread Brian Holtz
Allen Rice wrote: BH Thanks to the enthusiasm of Iraqi Shias and Sunnis for killing each other BH AR This excuse for the situation in Iraq also crops up a lot. We tried to force those SOBs to be democratic, but they kept sticking to their own culture. If it weren't for that rudeness, things

[marketliberal] Re: Don't take yourself so seriously.

2007-02-24 Thread Brian Holtz
Geof Gibson wrote: BH No human languages were lost before the dawn of man. BH GG Of course, you don't actually know that. There could have been a dinosaur language GG No, I actually do know that the dinosaurs spoke no human languages. :-) GG It is the hieght of arrogance to think that Man's

[marketliberal] RE: More Jedi rhetorical tricks

2007-02-25 Thread Brian Holtz
Allen Rice wrote: AR Your statement If you know of a cogent argument that some alternative management of post-Saddam Iraq would not have ended in Sunni-Shia civil war, I'd love to hear it. is an odd one. That is sort of my point, that the situation we currently have was pretty much foreordained

[marketliberal] RE: Should the Platform allow freedom of conscience re: libervention?

2007-02-25 Thread Brian Holtz
Jose Castenada [EMAIL PROTECTED] quotes Herman Goering. Jose, I couldn't discern in your quote an argument that the LP Platform should not allow freedom of conscience for those who believe the duty of a liberty-loving polity to defend human liberty does not vanish completely at lines drawn on

[marketliberal] RE: Should the Platform allow freedom of conscience re: libervention?

2007-03-01 Thread Brian Holtz
Steve Meier wrote: SM I am not the one advicating support for spending another 172 Billion dollars on Military Adventurism. SM Wrong yet again. I've been saying for six months that the Iraqis have exhausted the reconstruction and stabilization efforts we owed them. SM Wow, I think you are the

[marketliberal] RE: Should the Platform allow freedom of conscience re: libervention?

2007-03-01 Thread Brian Holtz
Joe Dumas wrote: JD I didn't see anything in your proposed plank that advocated amending the U.S. (or any state) constitution. JD My proposed foreign policy plank is not in conflict with the U.S. Constitution, as I explained here Tuesday to K Tunstall

[marketliberal] Re: Should the Platform allow freedom of conscience re: libervention?

2007-03-02 Thread Brian Holtz
K Tunstall wrote: BH Congress exercised it's war-making powers in October 2002 by votes of 296-133 in the House and 77-23 in the the Senate. Mainstream constitutional jurisprudence rejects the facile notion that the Congress has to spell out w-e d-e-c-l-a-r-e w-a-r for it to exercise its

[marketliberal] RE: should the LP run anyone against Ron Paul?

2007-03-02 Thread Brian Holtz
DrTomStevens wrote: TS Does anyone recall how far down in line she was to be named President? (53rd?) TS 43d. Galactica rulez. I no longer think of it as my TV. It's my device for watching BG. Now back to our regularly scheduled debate marathon...

[marketliberal] RE: Should the Platform allow freedom of conscience re: libervention?

2007-03-04 Thread Brian Holtz
Joe Dumas wrote: JD I'm a minarchist, constitutionalist libertarian. I've yet to be convinced that you are a libertarian of any stripe, but if you are, you are clearly less of a minarchist than I am. JD I don't see what evidence you have for that claim. We both apparently support the

[marketliberal] Libertarian Disease

2007-03-04 Thread Brian Holtz
Allen Rice wrote: AR the formal LPCA is a fraud, pretending to be a political party when, in my opinion, it is actually a (mostly) white (mostly) men's (mostly) debating (entirely) Club. AR What does the LPC formally do that encourages debating? I can't think of anything. Of the 15 current

[marketliberal] Re: Libertarian Disease

2007-03-04 Thread Brian Holtz
Allen Rice wrote: BH The LP's primary goal should be to use electoral politics to send the policy-making community the largest possible signal of the desire for increased civil and economic liberty. Winning office would help, but it is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition for that goal.

[marketliberal] RE: How to identify social climbers, career politicians, etc. - Matt Lewis

2007-03-04 Thread Brian Holtz
Starchild wrote to Bruce: SC Thanks for posting this -- could be useful for helping identify candidates who are careerist/social climber types, spend too much time listening to consultants rather than being themselves, and/or care more about winning than principles. SC Bruce, I know you try

[marketliberal] Re: Should the Platform allow freedom of conscience re: libervention?

2007-03-04 Thread Brian Holtz
Steve Meier wrote: SM Brian has a term that he uses it is called libervention. I believe this is the act of one country using its military to make changes inside another country. SM No, libervention means one country using its military to try to increase liberty inside another country. Is my

[marketliberal] RE: Libertarian Disease

2007-03-04 Thread Brian Holtz
Allen Rice wrote: BH An important tactic of the LP should be to use every available race to promote the awareness that there is a smart and principled alternative to the tired old choice between Left and Right. BH AR Use the word promotion rather than education, if you like. AR There is a

[marketliberal] Re: How to identify social climbers, career politicians, etc. - Matt Lewis

2007-03-05 Thread Brian Holtz
Pam, I don't remember if you've been to an LPC convention, so if by chance you weren't aware of Starchild's colorful fashion sense (http://xpress.sfsu.edu/archives/magazine/001106.html), it might help unruffle his feathers to point that out. Personally, I get a kick out of seeing a Starchild or

[marketliberal] RE: Re: should the LP run anyone against Ron Paul?

2007-03-05 Thread Brian Holtz
Bernard Carman wrote: BC why can't an affiliate endorse members of other parties? just because the Bylaws says so? hell, let's change it! BC Amen! As I wrote three years ago at http://marketliberal.org/FixLP.html: 2.2. Be An Inclusive Voting Bloc, Not An Exclusive Purity Club The Bylaws

[marketliberal] RE: Should the Platform allow freedom of conscience re: libervention?

2007-03-06 Thread Brian Holtz
Robert Capozzi wrote: RC your analogy with the American Revolution seems far-fetched. It seems correct to say that the US wouldn't have prevailed without foreign help, yes. Those nation's motives were mixed at best, but from what I can tell, it was the geopolitics of the time, playing out. RC

[marketliberal] RE: Should the Platform allow freedom of conscience re: libervention?

2007-03-06 Thread Brian Holtz
Barnard Carman wrote: BC National Defense: Secure our borders, maintain a strong national defense, and require a congressional declaration of war for armed engagements abroad. BC I don't have any major problems with this language. My minor quibbles with it would be two. First, secure our

[marketliberal] RE: Should the Platform allow freedom of conscience re: libervention?

2007-03-07 Thread Brian Holtz
bernard b carman wrote: BC i don't believe allowing anyone to just hop the border without any kind of checks is wise for any country. BC The only people I hear arguing for that are radical Libertarians. We don't need the Platform to declare that they are wrong; we only need the Platform to stop

[marketliberal] Winning vs. principles is a false dichotomy

2007-03-07 Thread Brian Holtz
Roberto Leibman wrote: RL we should repeat this as a mantra before any LP meeting: We will NEVER win an election until we can WIN a plurality of the votes. RL The mantra should be: let's use electoral politics as effectively as possible to move public policy in a libertarian direction. Your

[marketliberal] Re: Libertarian Disease

2007-03-08 Thread Brian Holtz
Allen Rice wrote: AR Once again, we begin to devolve into a parsing contest. AR I don't agree that there is merely a grammatical difference between 1) persuading voters to become libertarians and 2) making voters aware of what a libertarian is so that they may recognize whether they are one

[marketliberal] Re: Winning vs. principles is a false dichotomy

2007-03-08 Thread Brian Holtz
Allen Rice wrote: RL we should repeat this as a mantra before any LP meeting: We will NEVER win an election until we can WIN a plurality of the votes. RL BH The mantra should be: let's use electoral politics as effectively as possible to move public policy in a libertarian direction. Your

[marketliberal] Against foreign policy litmus tests

2007-03-08 Thread Brian Holtz
Art D.A. Tuma wrote: AT Both Harrison and Dovner littered libertarian email lists with frequent postings of anti-American nonsense. Please regard them both as recalcitrant, perverse hecklers and follow Mark Murphy's example. Ignore their spam. Also, if you are in a position to help others beat

[marketliberal] Re: Nat'l Platform Section Headers

2007-03-08 Thread Brian Holtz
bernard b carman wrote: BC i am now very much liking a very short broad plank design that will be compliant with the SOP, but broad enough to allow for not just ONE Libertarian solution. BC I agree. BC it is not wise for a political platform to concentrate on principles, as that's what the

[marketliberal] 16 other free variables in libertarian theory besides abortion

2007-03-14 Thread Brian Holtz
Henry Haller wrote: HH In the case of abortion, it is impossible to deduce from libertarian principles whether the unborn child has status as a human being. Therefore, a neutral stance would be appropriate. HH Neutral if we can get away with it, moderate if we can't. HH The issue of

[marketliberal] Re: Winning vs. principles is a false dichotomy

2007-03-16 Thread Brian Holtz
Allen Rice wrote: AR Political Party - A voluntary organization formed expressly to secure and manage the offices of government by winning them. AR You're in danger of begging the question about the LP's purpose if you define winning office as the purpose of a political party. M-W says a

[marketliberal] Re: Should the Platform allow freedom of conscience re: libervention?

2007-03-16 Thread Brian Holtz
Steve Meier wrote: SM I asked you how to cover the entire expense of maintaining the military capabilities that your policy requires. Particularily, if the US is to be able to act unilatiraly in any location of the globe. SM We've had the capability my policy requires for several decades. SM

[marketliberal] Greatest-Hits LP Platform

2007-03-17 Thread Brian Holtz
[All but five sentences/clauses of this draft Platform consist of language copied directly from the 1972, 2004, and 2006 platforms. The remaining five are paraphrases or elucidations. See if you can spot them without referring to the color-coded version and platform archive at

[marketliberal] RE: Greatest-Hits LP Platform

2007-03-18 Thread Brian Holtz
Steve Meier wrote: SM The most obvious change is the dropping of the following text: The principle of non-intervention should guide relationships between governments. The United States government should return to the historic libertarian tradition of avoiding entangling alliances, abstaining

[marketliberal] RE: Platform or Legislative Program?

2007-03-19 Thread Brian Holtz
Carl Milsted wrote: CM There is a GIGANTIC gulf between the amount of meat in a reasonable LP platform and the list of procedural reforms in the Contract with America. CM The LRC site says the Platform should be limited to changes that can plausibly be enacted in the next term in office. By

[marketliberal] RE: The Re-set Button/Greatest-Hits LP Platform

2007-03-20 Thread Brian Holtz
Robert Capozzi wrote: RC 1) I propose to the ad hoc committee of the LRC that we scrap Version A B. It appears many of us agree that, in general, the Greatest Hits is a superior solution. 2) I ask that Brian Holtz provide a list of cites of each passage, and which cites he wrote himself. RC

[marketliberal] RE: Greatest-Hits LP Platform

2007-03-20 Thread Brian Holtz
Henry Haller wrote: HH we would need to add the sections that define the issue, the libertarian solution, and the action/transition steps to get there. HH I'm increasingly skeptical of the issue/principle/solution/transition structure. Can somebody take a sample plank and walk us through how

[marketliberal] RE:Greatest-Hits LP Platform

2007-03-23 Thread Brian Holtz
The recent suggested improvements of the Greatest Hits platform's use of prior platform language are too good to ignore just for the sake of avoiding textual novelty. So for reference purposes I've forked off and archived a baseline version of the draft that has no textual novelty and leans

[marketliberal] Dueling wish lists or a statement of common ground?

2007-03-23 Thread Brian Holtz
Henry Haller wrote: HH The Principle and Solution sections serve to keep us on principle, while the Transition section, if properly written, can satisfy those who want to see a short term agenda for the next election cycle. If we choose to ignore either of these two constituencies, we risk a

[marketliberal] Re: Should the Platform allow freedom of conscience re: libervention?

2007-03-25 Thread Brian Holtz
Steve Meier wrote: SM 100 Billion won't cover the cost of maintaining the capability for invading and occuping [sic] other countries anywhere on the planet. This is a capability that you have advicated. [sic] SM No, the capability I have advocated is one that the United States has possessed

[marketliberal] RE: Greatest-Hits LP Platform

2007-03-25 Thread Brian Holtz
Steve Meiers wrote: SM Your concept of freedom of consience [sic] seems to be to have the government take a gun and rob me and others to pay for your wars of military adventurism. SM I don't know which is more hilarious, 1) your pretense that liberating Iraq was merely some personal whim of

[marketliberal] Re: Point of emphasis

2007-03-26 Thread Brian Holtz
M Carling wrote: M If a Platform is not a campaign document, then what sort of document is it? M Asked and answered: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LPplatform-discuss/message/1927 M The Clark campaign published four white papers on various campaign topics, such as social security, defense, etc.

[marketliberal] RE: Newbie

2007-03-26 Thread Brian Holtz
Tony wrote: T Hi I am new to this group I am tired of the other 2 major parties as they just don't deliver much of anything except promises and nothing ever seems to change.T Welcome! If you are new to the LP, there is an excellent introduction to our positions at

[marketliberal] RE : Newbie

2007-03-26 Thread Brian Holtz
Harland Harrison wrote: HH Tony says he wants a level playing field and you tell him (1) the field tilts toward him and (2) the LP wants to tilt it the other way! HH I told him the LP wants to tilt the field back to level. Do you dispute any of the things I said about unions and the

[marketliberal] RE : Newbie

2007-03-26 Thread Brian Holtz
A friend writes: X Right or wrong, you probably just sent a new (now former) libertarian packing. X There was nothing in his message saying he wanted any more liberty on any issue, so I'm not so sure he was a libertarian earlier in the day. However, he might start becoming one if he follows any

[marketliberal] Dropping secession from Greatest Hits draft

2007-03-27 Thread Brian Holtz
Kevin Bjornson wrote: KB The constitution offers no method for a state to secede. KB Yes, and that constitutional defect was associated with what was by far America's bloodiest and most tragic war. M Carling wrote: M I'm not saying we *need* a naked angels dancing on pinheads plank. I'm

[marketliberal] Uses Of Platform To Attack The LP

2007-03-28 Thread Brian Holtz
Last year Chuck Moulton asked LRC members to document instances in which the LP Platform was used against the LP. Are there any results to be shared from that appeal? This evening I started searching for such instances and documenting them at

[marketliberal] RE: Common ground with fellow less-archists

2007-03-28 Thread Brian Holtz
Henry Haller wrote: HH As I have said before, I like the Greatest Hits platform, and think it is very principled. My main complaint about it was that it is not in the format that we have agreed to use. More to the point, I think having a Transition section is very important to make clear that we

[marketliberal] Debasing libertarian beliefs?

2007-04-04 Thread Brian Holtz
Howard Pearce wrote to Bob Capozzi: HP If you want to appeal to more voters and run and win elections without debasing libertarian beliefs, that is fine with me. HP Howard, can you cite anything specific in (or missing from) the Greatest Hits draft platform at

[marketliberal] RE: Debasing libertarian beliefs?

2007-04-04 Thread Brian Holtz
Howard Pearce wrote: BH In particular, does an LP Platform debase libertarian belief if it does not call for any of the following? * legalized child prostitution [repeal of all laws that restrict anyone, including children, from engaging in voluntary exchanges of goods, services, or

[marketliberal] Not endorsing anarchism debases libertarian belief?

2007-04-05 Thread Brian Holtz
as too controversial to mention or as already covered by that one statement ? HP OK, and let's add to that one statement any sentence from current or past platforms that most Libertarians can agree with. The result will be something like http://marketliberal.org/LP/Platforms/2007.html. Brian

[marketliberal] RE: Not endorsing anarchism debases libertarian belief?

2007-04-05 Thread Brian Holtz
Tim Bovee wrote: BH The first thing the LP needs to do -- right now -- is to decide what percent of American voters should be be able to recognize -- not be persuaded, but just recognize -- that their ideas are closer to ours than to any other party's. BH TB I don't understand how there is any

[marketliberal] Should the Platform declare all taxation to be theft?

2007-04-06 Thread Brian Holtz
Henry Haller wrote: HH a substantial majority of Libertarians believe that taxation is theft HH Do you have any evidence for this? I'd wager that even a simple majority of LP members would not agree with the assertion that coercive taxation is not a necessary evil. I have multiple lines of

[marketliberal] RE: Very simple

2007-04-06 Thread Brian Holtz
Doug Kendall (Libertarian News) wrote: DK The Libertarian Party supports reducing the size, scope and power of government at all levels and on all issues, and opposes increasing the size, scope and power of government at any level, for any purpose. DK The Boston Tea Party's use of this language

[marketliberal] RE: Should the Platform declare all taxation to be theft?

2007-04-06 Thread Brian Holtz
Henry Haller wrote: HH all members of the Libertarian Party sign a statement saying that they do not believe in the initiation of force. Since coercive is by definition initiation of force, then either people who join the party are opposed to coercive taxation, or else they are confused about

[marketliberal] Knowing Humans: My Position On Iraq

2007-04-07 Thread Brian Holtz
I do not believe that the duty of a liberty-loving polity to defend human liberty vanishes completely at lines drawn on maps by statists. It was reasonable (but not necessary) for American liberty-lovers to decide to liberate Iraq based on the conjunction of * Saddam's apparent

[marketliberal] RE: Should the Platform declare all taxation to be theft?

2007-04-07 Thread Brian Holtz
Howard Pearce wrote: BH Do you consider taxes on negative externalities -- e.g. pollution taxes -- to be theft? What about a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_value_tax? BH HP Taxes are taxes . what's the problem? HP 1) A tax on aggression -- like a pollution tax -- is not itself

[marketliberal] RE: Improved Statement of Principles

2007-04-08 Thread Brian Holtz
scott74_us wrote: S It deletes the cult phrase, eliminates the redundant last paragraph, and substitutes politicians for Government a few times. S These are excellent changes. Why not also drop the statements about history, which do not actually state our timeless principles and (as Harland

[marketliberal] RE: Not endorsing anarchism debases libertarian belief?

2007-04-09 Thread Brian Holtz
Henry Haller wrote: HH My understanding of these terms is that the anarchist believes there should be no government at all, while the minarchist believes in government, but also believes that it should be funded through voluntary means. Thus, neither one accepts coercive taxation. HH Unlike

[marketliberal] RE: Not endorsing anarchism debases libertarian belief?

2007-04-09 Thread Brian Holtz
kevin Bjornson wrote: KB no state has ever enforced or achieved a monopoly of force in it's estate (territory). Therefore, states are a figment of the imagination KB No group of particles in the real world has ever conformed to the ideal gas laws, but that doesn't mean gases are a figment of

[marketliberal] RE: Trolley Problem Explained - Libertarians Tend to Live in an Alternate Universe

2007-04-10 Thread Brian Holtz
. But if it did, I would indeed advocate killing the fat man -- just as Harland said it would have been acceptable to kill an innocent baby that Hitler hypothetically always kept at his side if doing so were the only way to kill Hitler. Harland Harrison wrote: HH The Trolley Problem which Brian Holtz

[marketliberal] RE: Back to Greatest Hits

2007-04-10 Thread Brian Holtz
Bob Capozzi wrote: BC My one concern is that there are several passages in the Greatest Hits that rely on full sentences that are NOT lifted from previous platforms. My intent is to go through Brian's draft and find passages in old platforms to swap in. BC Good -- the more eyes looking for the

[marketliberal] RE: Not endorsing anarchism debases libertarian belief?

2007-04-10 Thread Brian Holtz
Susan Hogarth wrote: BH I have to call bullshit on this canard that radicals habitually trot out. BH SH Such language! SH http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=I+call+bullshit Even if this slang hasn't reached North Carolina yet, I would hope you at least get Showtime there and thus

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