Dear MARMAM Colleagues,

On behalf of my co-authors, I am delighted to announce the publication of our 
recent paper:

Sobreira, F. V., Luís, A. R., Alves, I. S., Couchinho, M. N., & dos Santos, M. 
E. (2023). Raise your pitch! Changes in the acoustic emissions of resident 
bottlenose dolphins in the proximity of vessels. Marine Mammal Science, 1–11.

Maritime traffic is a major contributor of anthropogenic disturbance for 
cetaceans, especially for coastal populations, such as that of resident common 
bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Sado estuary (Portugal). 
Animals have been found to adjust their vocal behavior by changing vocal rates, 
or call frequency and/or duration, to overcome masking effects of underwater 
noise. To evaluate the potential impacts of boat traffic on the acoustic 
behavior of these dolphins, emission rates and acoustic characteristics of 
whistles and burst-pulsed signals were analyzed with and without boats 
operating nearby. In this study, no significant differences were found for 
emission rates of each type of vocal element in the presence of vessels. 
However, significant differences were found in acoustic parameters, namely 
changes in frequency and duration, for whistles and for pulsed sounds (creaks, 
grunts, squeaks, and gulps). These changes, such as a shift in vocal 
frequencies and production of shorter signals, may represent behavioral 
strategies to compensate for the noisy environment. Although resident 
bottlenose dolphins in the Sado region seem to have developed some tolerance to 
vessel noise, continuous noise exposure and noise-induced frequency shifts in 
vocal outputs could have indirect fitness costs for this population.

Best regards,
Filipa V. Sobreira

MSc in Marine Biology
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