Dear Colleagues

We are excited to share our new research paper 'One size fits all? Adaptation 
of trained CNNs to new marine acoustic environments' in the journal Ecological 
Informatics. The article is open access and can be found at : size fits all? Adaptation of 
trained CNNs to new marine acoustic environments

The authors of this work are: Ellen L. White, Holger Klinck, Jonathan M. Bull, 
Paul R. White & Denise Risch. This article looks at deploying a broadband 
multi-sound source detector within new soundscapes, identifying how much data 
we should use when fine-tuning to a new acoustic feild. We hope you find the 
work interesting. Please feel free to contact Ellen White ( 
for any questions or enquiries.

Abstract: Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have the potential to enable a 
revolution in bioacoustics, allowing robust detection and classification of 
marine sound sources. As global Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) datasets 
continue to expand it is critical we improve our confidence in the performance 
of models across different marine environments, if we are to exploit the full 
ecological value of information within the data. This work demonstrates the 
transferability of developed CNN models to new acoustic environments by using a 
pre-trained model developed for one location (West of Scotland, UK) and 
deploying it in a distinctly different soundscape (Gulf of Mexico, USA). In 
this work transfer learning is used to fine-tune an existing open-source 
‘small-scale’ CNN, which detects odontocete tonal and broadband call types and 
vessel noise (operating between 0 and 48 kHz). The CNN is fine-tuned on 
training sets of differing sizes, from the unseen site, to understand the 
adaptability of a network to new marine acoustic environments. Fine-tuning with 
a small sample of site-specific data significantly improves the performance of 
the CNN in the new environment, across all classes. We demonstrate an improved 
performance in area-under-curve (AUC) score of 0.30, across four classes by 
fine-training with only 50 spectrograms per class, with a 5% improvement in 
accuracy between 50 frames and 500 frames. This work shows that only a small 
amount of site-specific data is needed to retrain a CNN, enabling researchers 
to harness the power of existing pre-trained models for their own datasets. The 
marine bioacoustic domain will benefit from a larger pool of global data for 
training large deep learning models, but we illustrate in this work that domain 
adaptation can be improved with limited site-specific exemplars.

Reference for the paper: White, E., Klinck, H., Bull, J., White, P. and Risch, 
D., 2023. One size fits all? Adaptation of trained CNNs to new marine acoustic 
environments. Ecological Informatics, p.102363.

Ellen White
Post-graduate Research Student
University of Southampton
School of Ocean and Earth Sciences
National Oceanography Centre Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK
Office Location: 164/25

Contact Information:
Phone: 07715926069

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