Dear MARMAN community, 


On behalf of my co-author, we are pleased to share our paper in Proceedings
of the Royal Society B, which is open access and available here
<> .



North Atlantic right whales are Critically Endangered and declining, with
entanglements in fishing gear a key contributor to their decline.
Entanglement events can result in lethal and sub-lethal (i.e. increased
energetic demands and reduced foraging ability) impacts, with the latter
influencing critical life-history states, such as reproduction. Using a
multi-event framework, we developed a Bayesian mark-recapture model to
investigate the influence of entanglement severity on survival and
recruitment for female right whales. We used information from 199 known-aged
females sighted between 1977 and 2018, combined with known entanglements of
varying severity that were classified as minor, moderate or severe. Severe
entanglements resulted in an average decline in survival of 27% for
experienced non-breeders, 9% for breeders and 26% for pre-breeding females
compared with other entanglements and unentangled individuals. Surviving
individuals with severe entanglements had low transitional probabilities to
breeders, but surprisingly, individuals with minor entanglements had the
lowest transitional probabilities, contrary to expectations underpinning
current management actions. Management actions are needed to address the
lethal and sub-lethal impacts of entanglements, regardless of severity


Citation: REED, J., NEW, L., CORKERON, P. & HARCOURT, R. 2024. Disentangling
the influence of entanglement on recruitment in North Atlantic right whales.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 291, 20240314.


A companion piece on The Conversation is also available here: Surviving
fishing gear entanglement isn
-for-endangered-right-whales-females-still-dont-breed-afterward-225257> 't
enough for endangered right whales - females still don't breed afterward.


Kind regards,





Joshua Reed, Ph.D. 

Marine Predator Research Group

School of Natural Sciences

Macquarie University

Sydney, NSW 2109,




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