Dear colleagues,

On behalf of my co-authors, I am happy to announce the publication of our new 
paper in Physiological Reports

Title: Allometric scaling of metabolic rate and cardiorespiratory variables in 
aquatic and terrestrial mammals

Authors: Rebecca S. He, Stacy De Ruiter, Tristan Westover, Jason A. Somarelli, 
Ashley M. Blawas, Divya L. Dayanidhi, Ana Singh, Benjamin Steves, Samantha 
Driesinga, Lewis G. Halsey, Andreas Fahlman

Journal: Physiological Reports

Full view access to the article can be found here:

While basal metabolic rate (BMR) scales proportionally with body mass (Mb), it 
remains unclear whether the relationship differs between mammals from aquatic 
and terrestrial habitats. We hypothesized that differences in BMR allometry 
would be reflected in similar differences in scaling of O2 delivery pathways 
through the cardiorespiratory system. We performed a comparative analysis of 
BMR across 63 mammalian species (20 aquatic, 43 terrestrial) with a Mb range 
from 10 kg to 5318 kg. Our results revealed elevated BMRs in small (>10 kg and 
<100 kg) aquatic mammals compared to small terrestrial mammals. The results 
demonstrated that minute ventilation, that is, tidal volume (VT)·breathing 
frequency (fR), as well as cardiac output, that is, stroke volume·heart rate, 
do not differ between the two habitats. We found that the “aquatic breathing 
strategy”, characterized by higher VT and lower fR resulting in a more 
effective gas exchange, and by elevated blood hemoglobin concentrations 
resulting in a higher volume of O2 for the same volume of blood, supported 
elevated metabolic requirements in aquatic mammals. The results from this study 
provide a possible explanation of how differences in gas exchange may serve 
energy demands in aquatic versus terrestrial mammals.

Feel free to contact me with any questions.


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