Dear MARMAM-readers,

We are pleased to inform you that our paper ‘Ontogenetic and gender-related
variation in the isotopic niche within and between three species of fur
seals (genus Arctocephalus)   by T.L. Albernaz, E.R, Secchi, L.R. Oliveira
& S. Botta is now available online at Hydrobiologia DOI


We used an isotopic approach to investigate the intra- and interspecific
differences in spatial and trophic ecology of three species of the fur seal
genus *Arctocephalus* that inhabit distinct climatic zones: subtropical (*A.
australis *n=22), subantarctic (*A. tropicalis *n=8) and polar (*A. gazella
*n=10). We obtained sequential *δ*13C and *δ*15N values in dentine from
canine teeth of specimens found along the southern Brazilian coast. We
calculated isotopic niches where axes where used as a surrogate for trophic
(*δ*15N) and spatial (*δ*13C) dimensions of the ecological niche. Further,
we adjusted generalized additive mixed models to chronological data of *δ*13C
and *δ*15N to investigate the ontogenetic variation of the isotopic niche.
The three species showed significant segregation both in spatial and the
trophic dimensions as a result of foraging at different latitudes. Within *A.
australis, *males occupied higher trophic positions than females.
Furthermore, some isotopic niche overlap was found between sexes in *A.
tropicalis* and *A. gazella,* though sample sizes preclude conclusive
interpretation. Marked ontogenetic variation in the isotopic niche,
especially in the early years, was observed in all species. Isotopic niche
suggest that intra and interspecific competition in these otariids is
minimized by different degree of spatial and trophic segregation.

For any inquiries or requests please contact me at:

Kind regards,

Silvina Botta

Labotatório de Ecologia e Conservação da Megafauna Marinha

Instituto de Oceanografia

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG
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