Dear MARMAM community,

On behalf of my co-authors, I would like to share our recent publication in
the Journal of Cetacean Research and Management with you. The manuscript
reviews the biology and threats to gray whales since the last
Implementation Review by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) that
occurred in 2020.

For those not familiar with the workings of the IWC, the IWC conducts
Implementation Reviews roughly every six years for all whale populations
that are hunted to ensure that the management plans result in sustainable
harvest. The Scientific Committee of the IWC can call for a 'Special
Implementation Review' if there is concern that the biology of the whale
population or the threats to that population are outside of the parameters
that were tested in the previous Implementation Review. The objective of
our paper was to thoroughly review the biology and threats to gray whales,
including the recent unusual mortality event for gray whales that started
in 2019. The paper is published open-access and is available at Update on
the status of gray whales since the 2020 Implementation Review | J.
Cetacean Res. Manage. (

Scordino JJ, Bickham JW, Brandon JR, Brownell Jr RL, Burdin A,
Doniol-Valcroze T, Eguchi T, Givens GH, Lang AR, Litovka DI, Nakamura G,
Punt AE, Stewart JD, Urbán R. J, Weller DW. 2024. Update on the status of
gray whales since the 2020 Implementation Review. Journal of Cetacean
Research and Management:1–18.


Jonathan Scordino
Marine Mammal Biologist
Makah Fisheries Management
(360) 645-3176
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