AIMM – Marine Environment Research Association (, in
partnership with Nautilus-Sub Dive Center (, is
organizing an expedition to research and dive in the Gorringe seamount.

During this expedition AIMM will be collecting data scientific date (visual
and acoustic effort) about all the marine mammals and turtles. Gorringe
seamount is about 200km West of Portugal. This area, a hot spot for marine
life in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, is a Marine Protect Area (MPA)
and part of Portuguese’s Nature 2000 since 2015.

In this very inaccessible place, you can enjoy its crystal clear waters,
numerous shoals of pelagic fish, huge kelp and all the rest of the

The expedition will take place aboard the Portuguese Navy Vessel, NTM
Creoula, from the 2nd to 7th of June 2017. You will have the opportunity to
participate in the life on board, help with the daily tasks, participate in
various learning sessions about marine mammals and have the change to
get-together with a group of extraordinary people.

There is different possibilities to participate in this expedition: you can
sign in just as a diver and be a member of one of the diving teams; you
could be an observer in the Marine Mammals research team, or you could be
in both teams.

For registration or more information contact:

André Cid –


Marine Biologist - Researcher

*AIMM - Marine Environment Research Association*
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