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Dear MARMAMers

SMRU Ltd are pleased to announce our next PAMGuard training Course will be on 
the 25th & 26th March in St Andrews, UK.

To book or if you have any questions please email 

The course dates have been set to follow on directly from one of the visual 
Marine Mammal Observer Induction courses<http://www.carolynbarton.co.uk/> run 
by Carolyn Barton which will take place on the Tuesday and Wednesday of that 

Courses will take place over the two days and will run from 13:00 to 17:00 on 
the first day and from 09:00 to 12:30 on the second day. This will give 
attendees time to travel to and from St Andrews, and a free evening in which to 
digest the content of the first afternoon.


St Andrews, Fife, Scotland.

Course Content

The course will comprise both lectures and practical sessions.

Day 1 (afternoon)

Lecture - An introduction to PAM

Lecture - Sampling, Detection and Localisation

Practical - PAMGUARD introduction, navigating the GUI and configuring detectors

Day 2 (morning)

Lecture and practical - Hardware configuration (sound cards, GPS, depth readout)

Lecture and practical - PAMGUARD modules for mitigation

What you should bring

Course attendees are encouraged to bring their own laptop computer, and mouse. 
At the very least, this means you will leave St Andrews with a working PAMGUARD 
configuration on your machine. Please notify us in advance if you are unable to 
bring your own laptop.

A number of USB sound cards and GPS connections will be made available. 
Attendees may also wish to bring their own sound cards, GPS receivers and any 
other hardware they wish to receive specific advice on.


Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Further details of 
the course location and travel information will be provided following 

For further information, please email: 


The courses will be led by Dr Douglas Gillespie of St Andrews University, one 
of the principle architects of the PAMGUARD software. There will also be other 
experienced PAMGUARD operators and developers to help with one to one tuition 
during the practical sessions.


All lectures will be given in English.

We hope to see you there!

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