December 7, 2007


Announcement: Recent articles (2006 and 2007) from the Laboratory of Molecular 
Ecology and Evolution, University of Auckland and the Cetacean Conservation and 
Genetics Laboratory, Marine Mammal Institute, Oregon State University


Available at the URL as shown below or by visiting the website of the Cetacean 
Conservation and Genetics Laboratory, Marine Mammal Institute, and selecting 


Or by email request to [EMAIL PROTECTED] subject header 'Reprint request'



Jackson, J. A., N. J. Patenaude, E. L. Carroll, and C. S. Baker. 2007. How few 
whales were there after whaling? Inference from contemporary mtDNA diversity. 
Molecular Ecology, 
<> .


Dalebout, M. L., C. S. Baker, D. Steel, K. M. Robertson, S. J. Chivers, W. F. 
Perrin, J. G. Mead, R. V. Grace, and D. T. Schofield. 2007. A divergent mtDNA 
lineage among Mesoplodon beaked whales: molecular evidence for e new species in 
the tropical Pacific? Marine Mammal Science, online early.


Constantine, R., K. Russell, N. Gibbs, S. Childerhouse, and C. S. Baker. 2007. 
Photo-identification of humpback whales in New Zealand waters and their 
migratory connections to breeding grounds of Oceania. Marine Mammal Science, 


Endo, T., Y.-U. Ma, C. S. Baker, N. Funahashi, S. Lavery, M. L. Dalebout, V. 
Lukoschek, and K. Haraguchi. 2007. Contamination level of mercury in red meat 
products from cetaceans available from South Korea markets. Marine Pollution 
Bulletin, 54:669-677.


Olavarría, C., C. S. Baker, C. Garrigue, M. Poole, N. Hauser, S. Caballero, L. 
Flórez-González, M. Brasseur, J. Bannister, J. Capella, P. J. Clapham, R. 
Dodemont, M. Donoghue, C. Jenner, M. N. Jenner, D. Moro, M. Oremus, D. A. 
Paton, and K. Russell. 2007. Population structure of humpback whales throughout 
the South Pacific and the origins of the eastern Polynesian breeding grounds. 
Marine Ecology - Progress Series, 330:257-268.


Patenaude, N. J., V. A. Portway, C. M. Schaeff, J. L. Bannister, P. B. Best, R. 
S. Payne, V. J. Rowntree, M. Rivarola, and C. S. Baker. 2007. Mitochondrial DNA 
Diversity and Population Structure among Southern Right Whales (Eubalaena 
australis). Journal of Heredity, 98:147-157.


Oremus, M., M. M. Poole, D. Steel, and C. S. Baker. 2007. Isolation and 
interchange among insular spinner dolphin communities in the South Pacific 
revealed by individual identification and genetic diversity. Marine Ecology - 
Progress Series, 336:275-289:275-289.


Baker, C. S., J. G. Cooke, S. Lavery, M. L. Dalebout, Y.-U. Ma, N. Funahashi, 
C. Carraher, and R. L. Brownell Jr. 2007. Estimating the number of whales 
entering trade using DNA profiling and capture-recapture analysis of market 
products. Molecular Ecology, 16:2617-2626. 


Caballero, S., F. Trujillo, J. A. Vianna, H. Barrios-Garrido, M. G. Montiel, S. 
Beltran-Pedreros, M. Marmontel, M. C. Santos, M. Rossi, F. R. Santo, and C. S. 
Baker. 2007. Taxonomic status of the genus Sotalia: species level ranking for 
"tucuxi" (Sotalia fluviatilis) and "costero" (Sotalia guianensis) dolphins. 
Marine Mammal Science, 23:358-386.



Baker, C. S., V. Lukoschek, S. Lavery, M. L. Dalebout, M. Yong-un, T. Endo, and 
N. Funahashi. 2006. Incomplete reporting of whale, dolphin and porpoise 
'bycatch' revealed by molecular monitoring of Korean markets. Animal 
Conservation, 9:474-482.


Baker, C. S., M. D. Vant, M. L. Dalebout, G. M. Lento, S. J. O'Brien, and N. 
Yuhki. 2006. Diversity and duplication of DQB and DRB-like genes of the MHC in 
baleen whales (suborder: Mysticeti). Immunogenetics, 58:283-296.


Weinrich, M. T., H. Rosenbaum, C. Scott Baker, A. L. Blackmer, and H. 
Whitehead. 2006. The Influence of Maternal Lineages on Social Affiliations 
among Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) on Their Feeding Grounds in the 
Southern Gulf of Maine. Journal of Heredity, 97:226-a-234. 



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