Dear MARMAM community,

We are pleased to share our recent publication in Science Advances:

Videsen SK, Simon M, Christiansen F, Friedlaender A, Goldbogen J, Malte H, 
Segre P, Wang T, Johnson M, Madsen PT. Cheap gulp foraging of a giga-predator 
enables efficient exploitation of sparse prey. Science Advances. 9 (25) : 

The giant rorqual whales are believed to have a massive food turnover driven by 
a high-intake lunge feeding style aptly described as the world's largest 
biomechanical action. This high-drag feeding behavior is thought to limit dive 
times and constrain rorquals to target only the densest prey patches, making 
them vulnerable to disturbance and habitat change. Using biologging tags to 
estimate energy expenditure as a function of feeding rates on 23 humpback 
whales, we show that lunge feeding is energetically cheap. Such inexpensive 
foraging means that rorquals are flexible in the quality of prey patches they 
exploit and therefore more resilient to environmental fluctuations and 
disturbance. As a consequence, the food turnover and hence the ecological role 
of these marine giants have likely been overestimated.

Best regards,

Simone K. A. Videsen
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Biology - Zoophysiology
Aarhus University
Marine Bioacoustics lab

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