The Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals (LAJAM), the scientific
journal of SOLAMAC (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Especialistas en Mamíferos
Acuáticos) and SOMEMMA (Sociedad Mexicana de Mastozoología Marina), has
just published its latest issue, Vol. 9, No. 1.

The centerpiece of this issue is a monograph by the late Dr. Robert Clarke
and colleagues representing the final part in his series *Sperm Whales of
the Southeast Pacific*, which first appeared in 1968. In addition, this
issue features an Editorial dedicating the issue to him, and an In Memoriam
written by his wife, Obla Paliza, and his children.

It can be freely accessed at:

 We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web
site to review articles and items of interest. Registered users can sign up
to receive notifications and table of contents via email.

In parallel, we continue to work on the production of Vol. 9, No. 2, which
should be available in the next couple of months, and in the edition of two
special issues, one on *Tursiops* in the Southwest Atlantic and one on
giant river otters (*Pteronura*).

Since its inception, LAJAM has been generously funded by Yaqu Pacha
(Germany) and by Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Brazil). It also has received
support from Petrobras, Cetacean Society International, US Marine Mammal
Commission, Wildlife Conservation Society, International Whaling
Commission, and Instituto Aqualie.

LAJAM depends on the efforts and commitment of the Board of Associate
Editors and the many individuals who serve selflessly and impartially as
reviewers for the journal.

To all of them, "Thank You!"


Daniel M. Palacios

Managing Editor
Doris Oliva

Associate Editors
Fernando Félix
Diane Gendron
Carlos Olavarría
Nicholas Pyenson
Marcos Santos
Maritza Sepúlveda
Diana Szteren
Jorge Urbán
Alexandre Zerbini

President SOLAMAC
Mario Cozzuol

President SOMEMMA
Karina Acevedo-Whitehouse
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