Dear Marmam subscribers,

We are pleased to announce the publication of a new paper about the coastal
range and movements of common bottlenose dolphins off of California and
Baja California, Mexico.

 "Hwang, A., R.H. Defran, M. Bearzi, D. Maldini, C. A. Saylan, A. R. Lang,
Kimberly J. Dudzik, O.R. Guzòn-Zatarain, D.L. Kelly and D.W. Weller. 2014.
Coastal range and movements of common bottlenose dolphins off California
and Baja California, Mexico. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of
Sciences, 113(1): 1–13"

Range and movement data from boat-based photo-identification surveys of
Pacific coast common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), carried out
over a 6-yr period from 1996 to 2001, were collated and analyzed. Primary
data sources were from surveys carried out in four Southern California
Bight study areas: Ensenada (12 surveys), San Diego (95 surveys), Santa
Monica Bay (170 surveys) and Santa Barbara (61 surveys). Additional data
from surveys in Monterey Bay between 1990 and 1993 (84 surveys) were also
included in some analyses. Photographic matches between the San Diego,
Santa Monica Bay and Santa Barbara study areas ranged from a low of 42% to
a high of 67% and averaged 53%. In addition, 32 of the 58 individuals (55%)
identified in Monterey Bay also occurred in one or more of the four
Southern California Bight study areas. Back-and-forth inter-study area
movements recorded between 1996 and 2001, were exhibited by 157 of the 246
(52%) individuals sighted in two or more study areas. Minimum travel
distances ranged from 104 to 965 km, with one individual documented to have
traveled from Ensenada to Monterey Bay. The most rapid travel speed was
94.5 km/day. These results reinforce earlier characterizations of coastal
bottlenose dolphins being highly mobile and capable of rapid travel along
the Baja California and the southern and central California Pacific
coastline. It is hypothesized that these extensive movements are related to
fluctuations in local, regional and perhaps Pacific wide oceanic conditions
that affect prey productivity and availability; combined with unique
foraging strategies that have developed to meet these environmental

A PDF copy of this paper is available for download at:

or by request from


R.H. Defran and coauthors


R.H. Defran

Cetacean Behavior Laboratory
San Diego State University
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