Dear MARMAM readers,

We are happy to announce the publication of the following paper in Marine 
Mammal Science:

Zanardo N., Parra G.J., and Möller L.M. (2016) Site fidelity, residency and 
abundance of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) in Adelaide's coastal waters, 
South Australia.

Little is known about the ecology and behavior of southern Australian 
bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.). This hinders assessment of their 
conservation status and informed decision-making concerning their management. 
We used boat-based surveys and photo-identification data to investigate site 
fidelity, residency patterns, and the abundance of southern Australian 
bottlenose dolphins in Adelaide's coastal waters. Sighting rates and site 
fidelity varied amongst individuals, and agglomerative hierarchical cluster 
analysis led to the categorization of individuals into one of three groups: 
occasional visitors, seasonal residents, or year-round residents. Lagged 
identification rates indicated that these dolphins used the study area 
regularly from year to year following a model of emigration and reimmigration. 
Abundance estimates obtained from multisample closed capture- recapture models 
ranged from 95 individuals (SE ± 45.20) in winter 2013 to 239 (SE ± 54.91) in 
summer 2014. The varying levels of site fidelity and residency, and the 
relatively high number of dolphins found throughout the study area highlights 
the Adelaide metropolitan coast as an important habitat for bottlenose 
dolphins. As these dolphins also appear to spend considerable time outside the 
study area, future research, conservation, and management efforts on this 
population must take into account anthropogenic activities within Adelaide's 
coastal waters and their adjacencies.

The pdf of the article can be accessed at

Or email me directly for a pdf copy<>

Kind regards,



Nikki Zanardo

PhD Candidate

Cetacean, Ecology, Behaviour and Evolution Lab  &

Molecular Ecology Lab

School of Biological Sciences

Flinders University

* Tel +61 8  8201 2357   | *<>

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