I'm a little confused by the behavior of martivew on http://www.biomart.org/biomart/martview/

You know (please correct me if it's wrong) that each database is linked to a series of datasets by the mart file that you can download using url like: http://www.biomart.org/biomart/martservice?type=datasets&mart=ensembl <http://www.biomart.org/biomart/martservice?type=datasets&mart=ensembl>

On martview, for the first database listed (ENSEBL 45 GENES - SANGER) you can choose on a list of simple datasets. However If you choose ENSEMBL 45 HOMOLOGY - SANGER, datasets are divided into species and type.
If we look the mart file, you can find CSV lines, like:

TableSet compara_agam_agam_paralogs Anopheles gambiae (AgamP3)|Anopheles gambiae (AgamP3)|Paralogues TableSet compara_agam_btau_orthologs Anopheles gambiae (AgamP3)|Bos taurus (Btau_3.1)|Orthologues 1 TableSet compara_agam_btau_paralogs Anopheles gambiae (AgamP3)|Bos taurus (Btau_3.1)|Paralogues 1 A dataset is indicated by the unique internal name (after Tableset). The third CSV element is the Display name for selections, and (I suppose) species and type are separated by a "|" char.

The question is:

Is normal that after I select "Anopheles gambiae" as first specie in the website, I can choose for example XENOPUS TROPICALIS as second, instead only Anopheles gambiae or bos taurus, how I may expect looking the mart file?
Is there a problem with html and javascript or I miss something?

thank you


Gianfranco Frau
CRS4 - Bioinformatics
Phone +39 070 9250 438
Loc. Pixina Manna Edificio 1 Pula 09010 (CA), Italy
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