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Ali's book is absolutely essential. In addition to the incredible detail on
the activities of heroic grassroots groups, his conclusion argues for
listening to those voices - including in the face of media accounts which
deny their existences - and for the need to look at the multiplicity of
players involved.
(sound familiar?)

On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 3:03 PM, Prashad, Vijay via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> ********************  POSTING RULES & NOTES  ********************
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> Today,Tadween and War Resisters League present Ali Issa's Against All
> Odds: voices of popular struggle in Iraq. When the tide seems to run
> between the ISIS expansion and the al-Abadi government in Baghdad, what is
> often forgotten is the upsurge during the US Occupation, sharply in 2011,
> to forge a new Iraqi sensibility and foundation for politics. Ali collects
> the voices of important political actors from across Iraq - people such as
> Hashmeya Muhsin al-Saadawi (Electrical Utility Workers Union of Iraq) and
> Yanar Mohammed (Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq), Nadia al-Baghdadi
> (Save the Tigris and Marshes Campaign) and Akram Nadir (Kurdish
> Construction Workers' Organisation). These are brave people in brave
> organisations who fought hard to create a new kind of Iraq, and who
> continue to work hard to define the future of their country.
> Disclaimer: I wrote the foreword to the book.
> The book is available here:
> http://tadweenpublishing.com/collections/books/products/pre-order-against-all-odds-voices-of-popular-struggle-in-iraq
> .
> Alongside the book, I strongly recommend a long essay (in two parts) at
> Jadaliyya by Sara Pursley that provides the intellectual defense for the
> kind of work that these brave Iraqis pursue. They do not believe that Iraq
> is a false idea, a creature of Sykes-Picot. Matters are more complex, as
> this important intervention shows:
> http://www.jadaliyya.com/pages/index/21759/lines-drawn-on-an-empty-map_iraq%E2%80%99s-borders-and-the
> .
> Essential reading.
> Warmly, Vijay.
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