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Source: http://www.laizquierdadiario.com/Argentina-marches-for-women-s-lives

*English version from Socialist Worker

*Spanish version from La Izquierda Diario

Shocked by a spate of high-profile crimes against women, including the
murder of a kindergarten teacher in front of her students by an estranged
husband on April 15 in Córdoba, a growing movement in Argentina is
demanding an end to violence against women.

According to official statistics widely criticized for systemic
underreporting of such incidents, domestic violence takes the life of at
least one woman a day in Argentina, and rates are even higher in
neighboring states. In response, the hashtag #NiUnaMenos (Not one less
woman) has gone viral on Twitter, with Lionel Messi, one of the best soccer
player on the planet, lending his voice on Twitter: "We join all
Argentineans today in shouting out loud #NiUnaMenos."

In an article published in La Izquierda Diario (The Daily Left) from
Argentina, Andrea D’Atri and Eduardo Castilla report from the June 4 mass
demonstrations in Buenos Aires and the solidarity actions around the
country and the region.

THE MAIN mobilization in front of the National Congress in Buenos Aires,
Argentina, was gigantic, but it also surpassed all expectations in more
than 70 cities all across Argentina. And that’s not all—coordinated
protests took place from Chile to Uruguay to Mexico on Thursday, June 4.

In downtown Buenos Aires, the march grew so massive that it was almost
impossible to move, and participants had to wait their turn to take even
one step forward. Estimates range between 300,000 and 500,000, making it
one of the biggest protests in recent history. At 6:30 p.m., even as
thousands began to leave the Plaza de los Dos Congresos, there were still
just as many people trying to get into the square. Just going one block
could take up to half an hour. People covered almost the entire plaza, but
also poured out along Avenida de Mayo, down Avenida 9 de Julio, and filled
up several blocks of side streets in all directions.

The mobilization had a broad character. It was very different than the
march that took place on February 18 in support of the prosecutors in the
Alberto Nisman case. That march saw the upper-middle class in the streets
in opposition to left-of-center President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner’s
national government, but the upper strata were absent on June 4. This time,
the majority was a multi-gender crowd of young students and workers (as
well as some professionals), many wearing school or work uniforms and
coming straight from their factories, offices, hospitals and schools.

Feminist, labor, student, social and community organizations turned out in
force alongside many people who came to march as individuals. Dozens of
busses and vans were parked, which showed that many people had organized
themselves from the surrounding towns and suburbs to get the march. And it
was obvious that for many of them, marching in Buenos Aires was a new
experience because so many had to ask for directions to this or that street.

All of this added up to an enormous multitude rejecting the epidemic of
murder and violence against women. In a special area in front of the main
stage, families hung photos around their necks of slain female relatives.
Their faces showed a powerful mix of sadness and pain, mingled with the joy
of being surrounded by the solidarity of hundreds of thousands of people
across the country.

"Let’s try to march over there," said one girl to another around 6 p.m. But
just then, a column from the Public Employees Association (Asociación
Trabajadores del Estado—ATE) began to enter the plaza. So the two young
friends were stuck in the middle of the street, hemmed in by the crowd.

A few minutes later, on the other side of the plaza, the railroad workers
marched in. Meanwhile, the contingent from the pro-Kirchner youth group La
Cámpora appeared, headed by Florencio Randazzo (Minister of Interior and
Transportation) and Augustín Rossi (Minister of Defense), among other
ranking government officials and bigwigs.

[image: -] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

VARIOUS POLITICIANS from the bosses’ political parties were out, making a
big display of their official staffs. For example, Dulce Granados, a deputy
in the National Assembly and the wife of the Buenos Aires Province Minister
of Security, showed off a little heart drawn on her right hand while
surrounded by dozens of supporters waving placards emblazoned with her own

The government threw its support behind the demonstration in the last few
days, hoping to avoid it being converted into a purely oppositional
mobilization. President Kirchner tweeted her support on the very morning of
the march, even though she made no mention of it—or the high rate of murder
against women—during her noontime national broadcast from Mendoza. This
failure provoked criticism from Noelia Barbeita, the Mendozan gubernatorial
candidate for the Socialist Workers Party (Partido de los Trabajadores
Socialistas—PTS) in the Left Workers Front (Frente de Izquierda y de los
Trabajadores—FIT), who blasted the president for turning her back on the
demands raised by thousands of women.

Many well-known celebrities turned out as well, including designer Roberto
Piazza as well as actresses Andrea Bonelli and Alejandra Darín and actors
Gonzalo Heredia and Arturo Bonín who belong to the Argentine Actors Guild.

Improvised street theater was on display on many corners with young people
wrapped in plastic bags and people carrying placards that spelled out
#NiUnaMenos. Creativity radiated through the crowd.

The diversity of sentiments in the assembly was expressed in the variety of
posters. Just behind the main stage, one banner read, "Jesus said: I have
come so that THEY may have LIFE and that they may have it in ABUNDANCE."
While a few hundred meters and thousands of people away, a young woman
carried a sign reading, "If being a SLUT means being free and in control of
my own body, I’m a SLUT. So what?"

The main message, read by actress Erica Rivas and actor Juan Minujín,
argued that sexism is a cultural construction. Yet, when we talk about
violence against women, we must also focus on barriers to women controlling
their own bodies, sex trafficking networks, street harassment and other
forms of social and institutional violence, including those in which the
security and police forces themselves are involved.

The well-known artist and cartoonist Maitena read, one after the other, the
points from a petition which organizers asked politicians to sign,
committing themselves to the struggle against gender violence. First among
these was a demand to oversee and authorize all necessary resources for a
National Action Plan for the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of
Violence Against Women, as is set forth in Act 26.485, passed by the
Argentine Congress in 2009. Other demands included victims having access to
free legal support during all legal proceedings, the development of a
unified official registry of victims of gender violence in order to
maintain official and up-to-date statistics, and that comprehensive sex
education is guaranteed at all educational levels.

All over the country, the left has joined in the demand for #NiUnaMenos,
but it has also denounced the multiple forms of violence against women. The
left puts the blame on the institutions responsible for legitimizing,
reproducing and justifying this violence. For example, the socialist
feminist group Pan y Rosas (Bread and Roses), made up of members of the PTS
and independent activists, mobilized more than 3,000 women for the main
June 4 march outside the National Congress and another 4,000 in other parts
of the country, while Pan y Rosas groups in Chile, Mexico and Uruguay
echoed these demands.

*First published at La Izquierda Diario. Translated by Todd Chretien.*
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