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These people can't get anything right. Now they're shilling for the
Houthis. Every rational opponent of the US/Saudi et al. aggression is also
opposed to the various sectarian and/or bourgeois forces on both sides of
the conflict (while standing by grassroots movements for rights, social
justice, etc.). But in UNAC's eyes if you're not for Washington's opponents
you're nowhere, man.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: UNAC <unacpe...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, May 2, 2015 at 9:12 AM
Subject: [unac] Yemen and UNAC conference
To: u...@lists.riseup.net

Full Schedule and Registration at the Conference Website:
http://UNACconference2015.org <http://unacconference2015.org/>

Video to promote the conference by Go Pro Radio Nerwork:

Stop the Saudi / U.S. Bombing of Yemen!

UNAC statement on Yemen

 The massive month-long bombardment of Yemen conducted by Saudi Arabia is
in reality yet another U.S. war in the region. Not one Saudi bombing
mission is possible without U.S. logistical and intelligence support.

 It is critical that the U.S. antiwar movement understand and focus on the
U.S. role and its military, political and diplomatic support of the brutal
Saudi devastation of Yemen, the poorest country in the region. More than
1,000 Yemenis have been murdered to date, 8,000 wounded and 150,000
displaced from their homes. [read more <http://nepajac.org/yemen.htm>]


United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)

P.O. Box 123, Delmar, NY 12054   g   Ph: 518-227-6947   g   Email:
unacpe...@gmail.com   g   Web: www.UNACpeace.org <http://www.unacpeace.org/>

*For Immediate Release:*  Monday, April 27, 2015

*For More information:*  Marilyn Levin – Cell: 518-227-6947; Email:

* <jlomb...@nycap.rr.com>*

*National 'Stop the Wars at Home & Abroad! Conference set for May 8-10 in
Secaucus, N.J.*

*Hundreds of antiwar and social justice activists from around the country
will be gathering in Secaucus, N.J., from May 8 to 10 for a conference
titled “Stop the Wars at Home & Abroad!”*

Hosted by the *United National Antiwar Coalition*, the goal of the event is
to build the progressive movement by bringing together activists who work
primarily on issues of U.S. wars and occupations with those in the emerging
domestic movements such as Black Lives Matter, Fight for $15 and climate

“Most young activists today have grown up in a period of constant war,”
said UNAC Co-Coordinator Marilyn Levin, a longtime peace activist and a
veteran of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement. “Conflicts overseas have become
a kind of background to their lives while they concentrate on more
immediate issues like police shootings, costly student loans and raising
the minimum wage. What we want to do in Secaucus is discuss how all these
issues are related, share experiences, learn from new ideas and move
forward together in the struggle for peace and social justice.”

Among those scheduled to speak at the gathering are former U.S.
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, former U.S. Army Col. Anne Wright, former
CIA analyst and whistleblower Ray McGovern and former U.S. Army Ranger Rory
Fanning, now all prominent antiwar activists. Also Michael McPhearson
of Veterans
for Peace; Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Code Pink; and Kathy Kelly,
co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence.

From the domestic struggle side, scheduled speakers include Glen Ford,
executive editor of Black Agenda Report; Lawrence Hamm, chairman of the
People's Organization for Progress (POP) in Newark, N.J.; Jaribu Hill,
co-founder of the Mississippi Workers Center for Human Rights; Charles
Jenkins, president of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists; Michael
McPhearson, executive director of the Don't Shoot Coalition in St. Louis,
Mo.; Lucy Pagoada, co-founder of Honduras USA Resistencia; Rolandah
Cleopattrah McMillan, a McDonalds's workers and organizer with Virginia
Raise Up; and Clarence Thomas, a leader of the West Coast International
Longshore & Warehouse Union, which is calling for a May 1 port shutdown in
solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.

A special feature of the conference will be Skype greetings from Cuba from
the recently released Cuban Five, as well as greetings from U.S. political
prisoner Mumia abu-Jamal.

The conference will be held at the Empire Meadows (Clarion) Hotel in
Secaucus, N.J. Registration for the three-day event is $50 for general
admission, $25 for people with low incomes and $15 for students or those 21
years old or younger. Information is at: www.unacconference2015.org.

Founded in 2010, UNAC is this country's largest antiwar coalition. Its
principles of unity are opposition to all U.S. wars, occupations and
interference in the internal affairs of other countries; respect for the
right of oppressed peoples to self-determination; and promotion of large
demonstrations as the primary, but not only, form of opposition to U.S.
foreign policy. More information is at www.unacpeace.org.

-  end  -


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