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Subject: News brief & photos: Hundreds occupy intersection then march in protest of OPD killing of Demouria Hogg
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2015 14:42:26 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
From: jn...@igc.org

My latest news brief and photos, "Hundreds occupy intersection then march in protest of OPD killing of Demouria Hogg", are available for download at:


The addressees of this email and their respective publications are invited to use the news brief and my two photos in any form. They are copy commons.

Publication of my news brief or photos by commercial for profit publications, without my express written consent, is prohibited.

The two photos by Brooke Anderson are also copy commons.

Below is the text of the news brief:

Hundreds occupy intersection then march in protest of OPD killing of Demouria Hogg
by Jonathan Nack
June 13, 2015

OAKLAND - Hundreds of protesters occupied the intersection at Lakeshore Ave. and Lake Park Ave. in the Lake Merritt area of Oakland on Friday, June 12, 2015.

Protesters surrounded a group of twelve whom had chained themselves to each other and sat down in the middle of the intersection. The protesters held the intersection for two hours before marching in the street for another two hours.

Protesters called for justice for Demouria Hogg, who was killed by Oakland Police on Saturday, June 6, and for justice for all those whose lives that have been stolen by racist policing.

The protesters defied Oakland Mayor Libby Schaff's ban on protesting in the street and protesting after dark. OPD was out in force, but stayed back from the large nonviolent crowd and re-routed traffic. The protest began with a vigil at 6 pm and ended around 10 pm.

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