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 Tens of thousands of workers in Turkey's auto and auto parts industries
are on strike for higher-wages and against their forced membership in a
pro-management, pro-regime union, Türk Metal.

The strike started on May 15th and has since spread from the sector's hub
in Bursa to other cities in Kocaeli and now the capital, Ankara. Production
has been shut down by workers in domestic and foreign-owned plants which
include Renault, Ford, as well as Mako, TOFAŞ, Türk Traktör among others.

MESS, the metal manufacturers' association, has already reported losses of
$1.5 billion, which explains their insistence that workers abandon the
strike without even a guarantee of talks much less any concrete gains.

The employers' fury heightens fears of a government attack on strikers, a
fear reinforced by recent "requests" by the police that workers report to
the local prosecutors' offices.

The company/state union Türk Metal, formed under the junta which came to
power in the 1980 CIA-led coup, has used thugs to prevent the rank and file
from speaking out.

Show your support for militant Turkish workers!
An injury to one is an injury to all!

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