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HONG KONG (AP) — Hong Kong student leaders plan to fly to Beijing Saturday to 
try to meet China's top officials to press their case for a greater say in 
choosing the territory's next leader. 

Eason Chung , a member of a student group that played a main role in organizing 
street protests that started nearly two months ago, said Friday that he and two 
others had bought plane tickets for the trip. 

If they are allowed to enter mainland China, they will go straight to China's 
legislature to seek talks with Premier Li Keqiang and other officials. 

The students have already asked the Hong Kong government's No. 2 official as 
well as former leader Tung Chee-hwa to arrange a meeting but their requests 
have been rebuffed. 

"When those bridges between the Hong Kong government and Beijing rejected all 
our demands, we think they are not doing their due responsibility, so we'll go 
ourselves," said Chung, a member of the Hong Kong Federation of Students . 

Federation leader Alex Chow and two deputies, Chung and Nathan Law, are 
scheduled to depart the former British colony for the Chinese capital on a 
Cathay Pacific flight at 5 p.m. Saturday. 

They had previously considered going to Beijing during a major summit of 
Pacific Rim leaders that ended Wednesday but decided against it. 

The protesters have been occupying streets in three business and shopping 
districts to oppose Beijing's decision that a panel screen candidates for the 
territory's inaugural 2017 elections. 
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