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(In this review, Guyatt skewers Sean Wilentz's new book that defends the US Constitution as implicitly abolitionist. It goes to the heart of the WSWS-defended open letter to the NY Times protesting Project 1619. Beneath the review, you will see an exchange of letters over this article with John Oakes, another signer of the open letter, defending Wilentz.)

NY Review of Books, JUNE 6, 2019 ISSUE
How Proslavery Was the Constitution?
by Nicholas Guyatt

No Property in Man: Slavery and Antislavery at the Nation’s Founding
by Sean Wilentz
Harvard University Press, 350 pp., $26.95

Were the Founding Fathers responsible for American slavery? William Lloyd Garrison, the celebrated abolitionist, certainly thought so. In an uncompromising address in Framingham, Massachusetts, on July 4, 1854, Garrison denounced the hypocrisy of a nation that declared that “all men are created equal” while holding nearly four million African-Americans in bondage. The US Constitution was hopelessly implicated in this terrible crime, Garrison claimed: it kept free states like Massachusetts in a union with slave states like South Carolina, and it increased the influence of slave states in the House of Representatives and the Electoral College by counting enslaved people as three fifths of a human being. When Garrison finished excoriating the Founders, he pulled a copy of the Constitution from his pocket, branded it “a covenant with death and an agreement with hell,” and set it on fire.

Garrison was one of the most unpopular men in nineteenth-century America, and this performance did little to improve his standing with the moderates of his time. Today’s historians are more sympathetic to his argument that the Constitution made possible the expansion of slavery in the early United States. According to Ibram X. Kendi, author of the National Book Award–winning Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America (2016), the Constitution “enshrined the power of slaveholders and racist ideas in the nation’s founding document.” David Waldstreicher, in Slavery’s Constitution (2009), charges that the Founders produced “a proslavery constitution, in intention and effect.”

Their bleak assessments are grounded in the many protections for slaveholding agreed on at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Beyond the three-fifths rule, the international slave trade was exempted from regulation by the federal government, which otherwise oversaw foreign commerce. Congress was banned from abolishing the trade until 1808 at the earliest. The federal government was prevented from introducing a head tax on slaves, and free states were forbidden from harboring runaways from slave states. The Founders obliged Congress to “suppress insurrections,” committing the national government to put down slave rebellions. The abolitionist Wendell Phillips, an associate of Garrison’s, summarized the work of the Founders in 1845: “Willingly, with deliberate purpose, our fathers bartered honesty for gain, and became partners with tyrants, that they might share in the profits of their tyranny.”

The effectiveness of constitutional protections for slavery can be measured in the growth of the institution between the formation of the federal government in 1789 and the secession of South Carolina in 1860. Across these seven decades, the number of enslaved people in the United States increased from 700,000 to four million. The dispossession of Native Americans and the violent seizure of northern Mexico created a vast cotton belt that stretched from the Atlantic to the Rio Grande. Although Congress opted to abolish the international slave trade at the earliest opportunity in 1808, a vast domestic trade—expressly permitted by the Constitution—relocated more than a million enslaved people from upper southern states like Maryland and Virginia to the cotton fields of the Deep South. Unspeakable crimes were committed against African-Americans; countless lives were broken or ended. While individual slaveholders bore their share of responsibility, the Constitution allowed proslavery forces to use the power of the federal government to support appalling measures. With the Dred Scott decision of 1857, which denied the possibility of black citizenship in America and invited slaveholders to take their property into any state of the Union, slavery’s domination of national politics seemed absolute.

Sean Wilentz’s No Property in Man concedes the horrors of slavery and acknowledges that the Constitution benefited slaveholders. For Wilentz, though, fixating on the Constitution’s proslavery effects or racist underpinning overlooks a “crucial subtlety” at the heart of the 1787 Constitutional Convention: while the delegates in Philadelphia encouraged and rewarded slaveholders, they refused to validate the principle of “property in man.”

Most books about the Constitution, even the ones that largely ignore slavery, acknowledge that the Convention walked a difficult line on the question. By 1787, in five of the original thirteen states, the legislature had outlawed slavery or the state supreme court had ended it. Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Connecticut had passed gradual emancipation bills, which ensured that slavery in those states would survive into the nineteenth century. In New Hampshire and Massachusetts, legal challenges under the new state constitutions brought slavery to a sudden end. New York and New Jersey had already started debating emancipation before the Constitutional Convention. They finally opted for their own gradual schemes in 1799 and 1804, respectively.

Economic and demographic developments encouraged the view that slavery was in retreat in the 1780s. In Virginia, which had more slaves than any other state throughout the antebellum period, soil exhaustion and trade disruption persuaded many white planters to shift from tobacco to less labor-intensive wheat farming. Virginia’s legislators made it easier for individual slaveholders to manumit their slaves. Throughout the upper South, writers and activists disputed the idea that the region’s future depended on the perpetuation of slavery. The holdouts in this fragile antislavery moment were the Deep South states, principally Georgia and South Carolina. Even here, white voices were raised against slavery, but the political elite was deeply committed to the persistence of human bondage. “If it is debated, whether their slaves are their property,” one South Carolina politician had warned the Continental Congress in 1776, “there is an end of the confederation.”

If eleven of the thirteen states were antislavery or skeptical about slavery’s future, why were Georgia and South Carolina given so much leeway in the Constitutional Convention? Wilentz offers a familiar answer: had any plan for emancipation been discussed, “the slaveholding states, above all the Lower South, would have never ratified such a Constitution.” There’s a comforting finality about the logic of this: the delegates at Philadelphia did the best they could, but it was simply impossible to craft a strong central government in 1787 without sweeping concessions to slavery.

Wilentz’s book has little to say about two questions that would illuminate what is often called the “paradox of liberty”: Were threats of disunion from South Carolina and Georgia credible? And might the Virginia delegation, under the enlightened leadership of James Madison, have led the upper South (and the nation) toward a happier future? Instead Wilentz focuses on the ways in which the Deep South delegates, occasionally (but not always) supported by their fellow slaveholders in the upper South, were frustrated in their efforts to obtain an even more proslavery Constitution. Rather than viewing the Philadelphia delegates as pusillanimous on the slavery question, Wilentz sees them playing a long game: by consciously and doggedly affirming “no property in man,” the Founders insisted that freedom, rather than slavery, was the principle at the core of the new nation.

Wilentz admits there are problems with this argument. It’s easy to understand why historians believe that slaveholding interests triumphed at Philadelphia, “because in several respects they did.” He does not dispute that slavery emerged intact from the 1787 Convention, but insists that “the Constitution’s proslavery features appear substantial but incomplete.” There is a surreal quality to some of his counterfactuals in this respect. (What if the Deep South had forced the delegates to pass a five-fifths rule?)

But for the most part he looks to later developments. The exclusion of “property in man” became “the Achilles’ heel of proslavery politics.” It offered a critical opening to subsequent generations of antislavery campaigners and politicians, who could—and eventually did—point to the absence of absolute constitutional guarantees of slavery’s legitimacy. Most notably, Wilentz suggests that the Republican Party of the 1850s used the Constitution as “the means to hasten slavery’s demise.” By declining to make an explicit declaration in 1787 that slavery was a foundational principle of the United States, the Founders had brilliantly facilitated the later Republican cry of “Freedom National, Slavery Sectional.”

Our view about whether the Constitution hastened abolition may depend on how we understand slavery’s effects in the seventy-five years between the Constitutional Convention and the Emancipation Proclamation. As Calvin Schermerhorn argues in Unrequited Toil (2018), his recent book on the development of slavery in the United States, the expansion of the institution under the provisions of the Constitution did incalculable damage to African-Americans, while hugely increasing the wealth of white people. By 1860, enslaved people counted for nearly 20 percent of national wealth and produced nearly 60 percent of the nation’s exports. Historians and economists debate the centrality of slavery to the emergence of modern American capitalism, but few dispute that the gains of slavery—through shipping, banking, insurance, and commerce—were distributed nationally.

Wilentz writes that the exclusion of an explicit guarantee of property in man was not just an accident or “technicality” at the Constitutional Convention. The delegates “insisted” on it, he claims, and he offers a line from James Madison to prove his point: it would be wrong “to admit in the Constitution the idea that there could be property in men.” This quotation is so perfect for Wilentz’s argument that he could not have invented better evidence in support of it.

But there is some doubt as to whether Madison actually used those words in Philadelphia. The debates at the Convention were held in secret, and the only person who kept substantial notes on what had been said was Madison himself. The legal historian Mary Sarah Bilder won the Bancroft Prize in 2016 for Madison’s Hand: Revising the Constitutional Convention, a brilliant study of just how extensively Madison reshaped the story of what happened at Philadelphia over his long lifetime. On the subject of slavery, she believes that Madison tinkered with the transcript of 1787 to make himself seem more righteous than he actually had been; she suspects that the specific reference to “property in men” was added at a later date. This doesn’t destroy Wilentz’s argument that “no property in man” was a discrete principle with political power, especially in the nineteenth century. But the notion that Madison and his colleagues planted antislavery language in the Constitution for Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass to discover in the 1850s is more exciting than convincing.

Madison is a tantalizing figure for Wilentz. The disputed quotation decrying “property in men” appears half a dozen times in his book, with Bilder’s qualms relegated to an endnote. Wilentz explains sympathetically that when Madison declared during the Virginia ratification debates that the Constitution provides strong protection for slavery via the fugitive slave clause, the Founder was “stuck in a dilemma that made candor impossible.” When evidence of antislavery intent dries up, Wilentz tells us that Madison was taking an influential stand against property in man even if he “could not or would not admit [it], not even, perhaps, to himself.”

Madison failed to free any of his slaves during his lifetime, supported the extension of slavery into the West during the Missouri crisis of 1819–1821, and ended his life as president of the American Colonization Society, an institution dedicated to the permanent relocation of African-Americans to another continent. Like Thomas Jefferson, his friend and predecessor in the White House, Madison balanced a watery (and usually private) antislavery sentiment with a profound squeamishness about living alongside black people in freedom. (In his 1785 Notes on the State of Virginia, Jefferson insisted that American abolition would require a double effort: black people should be freed from slavery and then “removed beyond the reach of mixture.”)

The intellectual and political limitations of these antislavery slaveholders became even clearer after 1815, when the rise of cotton offered fretful planters in Virginia a lucrative alternative to manumitting their slaves or persuading them to settle in Liberia or Haiti. Between 1820 and 1860, for every African-American colonized in Liberia nearly one hundred were driven from the Upper South to the cotton and sugar fields of the Deep South. Madison and Jefferson, who had specified that enslaved people be colonized as a condition of their emancipation, remained adamantly theoretical in their antislavery convictions. Both men clung to colonization throughout their long lives—Jefferson died in 1826, Madison in 1836—despite clear evidence both that American slavery was expanding and that African-Americans would not consent to their expatriation. Jefferson, who owned more than six hundred people across his long life, freed only five slaves in his will. (Two of those were his sons.) Madison freed none.

In making the case for an antislavery Founding, Wilentz misses the most obvious and historically plausible defense against the charge that the Founders facilitated the full horrors of US slavery. In 1787 white Americans could still indulge in the belief that the historical tide was turning against human bondage. The cotton gin had not yet been invented, and the cotton belt remained in the possession of its Native American inhabitants. In the 1780s, a chorus of international antislavery activists—such as Thomas Clarkson, William Wilberforce, Phillis Wheatley, Olaudah Equiano, Anthony Benezet, and Jacques Pierre Brissot—believed that the force of public opinion could overturn the power of the slaveholders. Britain and the United States seemed poised to ban the slave trade; these activists predicted that, without new arrivals from Africa, slavery would wither and die. Every delegate in Philadelphia should have known that the Constitution’s protections for slavery would slow this antislavery tide; but many might have told themselves that they were only delaying the inevitable.

This interpretation may be overly generous to the Founders, many of whom had already concluded that racial coexistence after emancipation would be as great a challenge for prejudiced white people as ending slavery. But the argument that the Founders couldn’t foresee the horrors of the cotton belt seems more convincing than the suggestion that James Madison slipped in antislavery language for Abraham Lincoln to use during the 1860 presidential race. So why is Wilentz so interested in a form of antislavery originalism? The answer, I think, lies in politics rather than history. No Property in Man began as a series of lectures at Harvard in 2015. That year, Wilentz got into a spat with Bernie Sanders after the presidential candidate told an audience in Virginia that the United States “in many ways was created…on racist principles.” Wilentz, in a New York Times Op-Ed, dismissed “the myth that the United States was founded on racial slavery” and accused Sanders of “poison[ing] the current presidential campaign.” To describe the Founding as racist was, Wilentz wrote, to perpetuate “one of the most destructive falsehoods in all of American history.”

Frederick Douglass
Frederick Douglass; drawing by David Levine
Wilentz has long been a liberal activist. For more than a quarter-century, he faithfully supported Bill and Hillary Clinton. During the Lewinsky scandal in 1998, he warned Congress that “history will track you down and condemn you for your cravenness” if Bill Clinton was impeached. In a 2008 editorial in The New Republic, he accused Barack Obama and his campaign team of keeping “the race and race-baiter cards near the top of their campaign deck” during their battle with Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. He has been a particularly sharp critic of those who’ve rallied behind candidates to the left of the Clintons. In a recent article lamenting the Sanders phenomenon, Wilentz accused the left of being irresponsible in its economic promises, solipsistic in its embrace of identity politics, and disrespectful toward the achievements of the liberal tradition. Trashing the Founders is, for Wilentz, another sign of progressive immaturity.

At a public event in Florida last spring, the distinguished historians Joseph Ellis and Gordon Wood also criticized what might be called the Bernie Sanders view of the Founding. Ellis complained that college professors were now telling students that the Founders were “the deadest whitest males in American history.” Instead of learning about the nation’s many accomplishments, students were getting “anti-history,” in which slavery and Native American dispossession had been placed at center stage by reckless educators. “Those are storylines worth exploring,” Ellis conceded, “but for that to take the form it has taken, it means young people coming into College don’t learn about the Revolution, the Constitution, the coming of the Civil War.” No Property in Man, with its forceful insistence on the Constitution’s antislavery position, is a perfect response to the “anti-history” produced by a younger generation of scholars.

Do we weaken our politics when we argue that the Founders protected slavery or that they struggled to see people of color as equals? Wilentz thinks so, and he has a powerful figure to help him make the case. Frederick Douglass became an international celebrity on the abolitionist lecture circuit in the 1840s. Working alongside William Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Phillips, he at first embraced Garrison’s view that the Founders were fatally compromised by their protections of slavery. “The identical men who…framed the American democratic constitution,” Douglass told a crowd in London in 1847, “were trafficking in the blood and souls of their fellow men.” This, he said, was a stain on everyone in the United States, not only southerners: “The whole system, the entire network of American society, is one great falsehood, from beginning to end.”

The Garrisonians believed that the northern states had a duty to secede from the South, and that participating in elections would dignify a system that was rotten to the core. In the 1850s, Douglass broke with this strategy. He began to argue that the Constitution was a “glorious liberty document” that, despite its proslavery effects, contained “principles and purposes, entirely hostile to the existence of slavery.” His old ally Phillips had scoffed at “this new theory of the Anti-slavery character of the Constitution.” Wilentz, however, praises Douglass for realizing that an antislavery understanding of the Founding might have more political traction than the theatrical recusals of the Garrisonians. When Wilentz discusses the Garrisonians’ righteous fury at the constitutional “compromise” on slavery, it’s hard not to think about Sanders and his supporters: “For the Garrisonians, morality dispelled context and bred certitude; anything short of revulsion at that compromise, rendered as condoning evil for the sake of commercial profit, signified grotesque complicity in slavery.”

Wilentz casts the Garrisonians as naive dreamers whose ideological purity stymied their political influence. But No Property in Man has a narrow understanding of antislavery politics, focused principally on Congress and debates among white elites about the propriety of slavery’s expansion. There’s no room in Wilentz’s account for the men and women, black and white, who struggled to establish pathways out of slavery via the Underground Railroad, or who waged battles in statehouses, in courts, and on the streets to establish the rights of black people within the United States. (Martha S. Jones’s revealing new book Birthright Citizens, which explores many of these aspects of antislavery politics, marks a whole field that entirely escapes Wilentz’s gaze.)

Then there’s the unfortunate fact that many of Wilentz’s antislavery activists—whom he loosely describes as “abolitionists”—were actually advocates of colonization. The project of removing black people from the United States drew adherents from the North and upper South until the 1840s and beyond, a fact that appalled the Garrisonians and supported their belief that slavery and racism were national rather than regional crimes. If we accept, as Wilentz argues, that northerners, along with some sympathetic or unconsciously radical Virginians, essentially doomed slavery by denying property in man in 1787, we indulge a familiar story in which the racial sins of the United States effectively become sins of the South. Garrison and his followers were ruthless in dismissing that convenient fiction. “Slavery is not a southern, but a national institution,” wrote Garrison’s newspaper in 1843, “involving the North, as well as the South.” That this was a hard truth for many northerners to hear—then and now—makes it no less important as a political insight.

Although the subtitle of No Property in Man promises that the book will explore “slavery and antislavery at the nation’s founding,” it will not convince historians of the early republic who have struggled to find antislavery sentiments in the Founders’ intentions. The book is more interesting on the efforts of legislators, reformers, and radicals to work out the implications of “no property in man” through debates over territorial expansion in the following decades, and on the fissure over principles and political participation in the abolitionist activism of the 1840s and 1850s. Wilentz falls short of his central goal: to persuade readers that the Founders planted an antislavery seed that bore fruit in 1860. His book succeeds when it demonstrates that the political abolitionists of the 1850s creatively refashioned the founding story for their own ends. In doing so, they were acting not as historians but as activists; and it’s no surprise that Wilentz, while approaching us as the former, is as much the latter as any of his subjects.


No Property in Man’: An Exchange
Sean Wilentz and James Oakes, reply by Nicholas GuyattJUNE 27, 2019 ISSUE
In response to:
How Proslavery Was the Constitution? from the June 6, 2019 issue

To the Editors:

Nicholas Guyatt’s review of my No Property in Man [NYR, June 6] charges that the book isn’t really a work of history at all but, at bottom, a political polemic disguised as history, an act of projection aimed at Bernie Sanders and Guyatt’s own “younger generation of scholars.”

Cartoon by John Leech satirizing the hypocrisy of proslavery Americans, 1848
An English cartoon by John Leech satirizing the hypocrisy of proslavery Americans, 1848 I can only conjecture why Guyatt, a former student in my Princeton graduate seminar, felt compelled to defame my professional integrity. On the level of historical scholarship, Guyatt’s constant distortion of the book’s evidence and contentions betrays a peculiar confusion in which historical dogma and its imperatives prevail over facts and reason.

At every turn, Guyatt either garbles or corrupts my arguments. According to him, the book makes a “case for an antislavery Founding” and advances “a form of antislavery originalism.” It does neither. According to him, the book offers the “familiar” apology that without “sweeping concessions” to slavery there would have been no Constitution; and he says I think that, in his words, “we weaken our politics when we argue that the Founders protected slavery.” But the first claim is false and the second fabricated, the exact opposite of what I think.

Guyatt suppresses my main argument. He says my book recognizes the framers’ proslavery concessions but invents an antislavery founding anyway. On the contrary, I attempt “to move beyond what has become a sterile debate among historians over whether the Constitution was antislavery or proslavery.” The surviving sources show that the Constitution was both. The concessions to the slaveholders helped secure slavery where it already existed while leaving open its expansion. Yet by emphatically refusing to acknowledge the legitimacy of slavery—or, as the phrase went, “property in man”—the Constitutional Convention excluded slavery from national law.

While the framers would perforce tolerate state laws recognizing slavery, they would not enshrine slavery as an institution immune to federal restriction. The majority at the Constitutional Convention upheld this view on matters ranging from the privileges and immunities clause to the abolition of the Atlantic slave trade.

These facts form the heart of my book. Guyatt ignores them. Instead he fixates on a single powerful quotation from James Madison and on the chance that Madison may not have spoken those words, or those exact words, in the convention debate. Petty squabbles aside, it’s not as if my case rests on one remark.

Guyatt ignores the delegate Elbridge Gerry’s declaration that the convention should have “nothing to do with the conduct of the States as to Slaves, but ought to be careful not to give any sanction to it.” Likewise, the convention’s repudiation of a proslavery proposal that, Madison recorded, “seemed to wish some provision should be included in favor of property in slaves.” Likewise, the convention majority’s other painstaking efforts to remove any implication that “slavery was legal in a moral view.” Guyatt apparently thinks he can disprove an argument by disregarding the evidence behind it.

Guyatt gives his game away when he repeatedly twists my actual conclusion into an absurd claim that the framers deliberately slipped in antislavery language for later generations to use. The convention majority was not clairvoyant. It just wanted to limit slavery’s legitimacy under the new national government. Some antislavery delegates said those limits were sufficiently strong that, as James Wilson averred, they would soon lead to “banishing slavery out of this country.” Proslavery delegates elided the exclusion of property in man and proclaimed that the Constitution gave slavery iron-clad protection.

The struggle over slavery and the Constitution was there from the beginning. But that negates the doctrine according to William Lloyd Garrison to which Guyatt clings, a sectarian doctrine the majority of abolitionists rejected, insisting that there was no real struggle, no antislavery inflection; and that the framers simply forged a diabolical “covenant with death”—facts to the contrary be damned.

Guyatt alleges that my book has no room for anyone outside “white elites,” and that it dismisses “a whole field” of fugitive slaves and grassroots activists. In fact, the book describes a crucial part of the antislavery struggle in which white lawmakers, prominent and obscure, were of principal importance, but where activists, including Frederick Douglass, repeatedly played a vital role.

Neither does the book deny that under the Constitution, slavery “did incalculable damage to African-Americans, while hugely increasing the wealth of white people,” including Northerners. Guyatt knows very well that my view of slavery and the antislavery movement embraces and emphasizes everything he mentions, and that my book relates directly to that larger history. On a mission to trash No Property in Man, he pretends otherwise.

Guyatt winds up his review by obliterating the remainder of the historical record. After snubbing the evidence from 1787, he claims political abolitionists of the 1850s “creatively refashioned the founding story for their own ends.” That is, Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass were just making it up virtually out of thin air when they said the framers excluded property in man.

Guyatt overlooks the mountain of evidence dating back to 1789, some of it discussed in my book, that shows agitators as well as political leaders, including some of the framers, asserting what Lincoln and Douglass did. Is Guyatt really unacquainted with the foundational writings of Rufus King, Theodore Dwight Weld, Salmon P. Chase, and their predecessors? Guyatt achieves his dogmatic airbrushing the same way he denies the evidence from the Constitutional Convention itself, by feigning that the evidence doesn’t exist—only this time, he shuns evidence familiar to any credible scholar in the field. Alternatively, more charitably, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

I’ve been looking forward to an intelligent, sharp, and serious debate about No Property in Man. Unfortunately, Guyatt’s review, with its ad hominem attacks, dogmatic factionalism, and historical lesions, apparently has another agenda.

Sean Wilentz
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey

To the Editors:

In his review of Sean Wilentz’s No Property in Man, Nicholas Guyatt claims on three separate occasions that Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass concocted an antislavery Constitution out of whole cloth in the 1850s. They did no such thing. Beginning in the early 1790s, antislavery constitutionalists urged Congress to attack slavery “to the full extent of your power.” What power? According to William Lloyd Garrison and Guyatt, it had no power to undermine slavery.

The slave trade clause gave Congress the power to tax every slave imported into the country, to ban the slave trade in United States territory, and to prohibit American ships from participating in the trade, long before 1808. The “needful rules and regulations” clause authorized Congress to ban slavery in the territories. The “republican government” clause allowed Congress to make abolition a condition for admission to the Union. The “exclusive legislation” clause enabled Congress to abolish slavery in Washington, D.C. All of these arguments were fully rehearsed in congressional debates well before the mid-1830s, when Garrison emerged as a national abolitionist leader. In nearly every case the proslavery response was that Congress could not do those things because the Constitution protected slavery as a right of property, to which antislavery advocates responded—quite correctly—that the Constitution did not create a constitutional right of “property in man.”

Between the late 1830s and mid-1840s an explosive burst of intellectual energy pushed antislavery constitutionalism much further. The Fourth Amendment ban on unreasonable seizure, the Fifth Amendment guarantee of due process, the privileges and immunities clause, the Tenth Amendment—all were invoked to weaken the fugitive slave clause, protect the freedom of slaves who rebelled on the high seas, and make it constitutionally impossible for Congress to allow slavery in the territories. In 1839 the abolitionist William Jay warned that if the slave states seceded they would forfeit their constitutional right to recover fugitive slaves, a doctrine that Lincoln invoked twenty years later. John Quincy Adams warned that if the South seceded, the war powers clause of the Constitution empowered the federal government to emancipate slaves to suppress the rebellion, a policy Lincoln embraced shortly after the Civil War began. The most radical theorists pushed antislavery constitutionalism to the logical conclusion that Congress could actually abolish slavery in states where it already existed. The mainstream of antislavery constitutionalism never took that last step, but it went much further than Guyatt realizes.

In 1845, in a startling reaction against this creative burst of antislavery constitutional theorizing and the antislavery politics it spawned, Garrison’s ally Wendell Phillips invented the idea that the Constitution was a proslavery document. Until then only proslavery extremists made that argument. With unintended irony, Guyatt quotes Phillips scoffing at “this new theory of the Anti-Slavery character of the Constitution.” But the theory he dismissed had its origins in the founding era, and was certainly older than Garrison’s. Guyatt praises Garrison for insisting that slavery was a national problem, a position that antislavery politicians repeatedly endorsed long before Garrison arrived on the scene.

Guyatt’s unawareness of this tradition leads him to assume things he cannot document. In the first decades of the republic it was widely held that the slave trade was part of slavery itself and as such under the control of the states. The Constitution’s clause authorizing the federal government to abolish the Atlantic slave trade in 1808 marked a major exception to the “federal consensus” that prevented Congress from interfering with slavery in the states. It was a grant of power to Congress, not a restraint on power it would otherwise have had. This explains why early American abolitionists viewed the slave trade clause as a great antislavery victory.

Wilentz restores the ambiguous political legacy that inevitably follows compromises. By 1800, opponents of slavery were complaining about the advantage the South gained from the three-fifths clause. But without that clause the South would have had more power in the House of Representatives and the Electoral College. That’s why, beginning in the 1830s, radical antislavery constitutionalists argued that the clause was an incentive to the states to abolish slavery and a punishment for those that did not. That’s also why, by the 1850s, proslavery Southerners were calling for the repeal of the three-fifths clause. Guyatt, or Wilentz, or I might agree or disagree about all or parts of the antislavery interpretation of the Constitution, but it is untenable to claim that until Lincoln dreamed it up in the 1850s there was no such thing as antislavery constitutionalism. It was, from the nation’s founding, the mainstream position of the majority of Northerners—at least as measured by their votes and speeches in the House of Representatives.

Antislavery constitutionalism enabled thousands of men and women, black and white, all across the North, to claim that fugitive slaves should be afforded the rights of due process, that blacks in Northern states were entitled to the presumption of freedom and the privileges and immunities of citizens. Those who struggled against slavery and racial injustice relied heavily on the foundational precept of antislavery constitutionalism—that the promise of fundamental human equality was embodied in the Constitution and affirmed in its Preamble. Guyatt claims that Wilentz leaves no space for such struggles when that is precisely the space No Property in Man has revealed.

James Oakes
CUNY Graduate Center
New York City

Nicholas Guyatt replies:
I agree with James Oakes that a seam of “antislavery constitutionalism” dates back to the 1790s and refer to this in the final paragraph of my review. Where we may disagree is on the extent of its influence before the 1850s in the face of the Constitution’s bracingly clear provisions. From the futile 1790 debate in the House of Representatives on whether Congress could consider petitions to abolish slavery, through the political bounty offered the South by the three-fifths rule, to the Dred Scott decision of 1857, which denied black citizenship and the right of the federal government to restrict slavery, proslavery clauses and readings of the Constitution consolidated and greatly expanded the reach of slaveholders.

Congress was able to abolish the external slave trade in 1808—with the help of upper Southern slaveholders who expected the value of their slaves to rise as a consequence—but legislators and reformers could not prevent the spread of slavery across most of the continent or loosen the grip of slaveholders on national politics. For the abolitionist Wendell Phillips, writing before the late flowering of antislavery constitutionalism in the 1850s, the harshness of these facts was incontestable: Americans should “take the Constitution to be what the Courts and Nation allow that it is,” Phillips wrote in 1847, “and leave the hair-splitters and cob-web spinners to amuse themselves at their leisure.”

Sean Wilentz reminds us of his intention “to move beyond what has become a sterile debate among historians over whether the Constitution was antislavery or proslavery.” Most historians of the early United States would find this issue neither sterile nor worthy of much debate: the Constitution was plainly proslavery, a fact evidenced by the huge increase in the enslaved population from 1789 to 1860, and by the sprawling territories conquered for slavery over that period. To suggest that the Constitution was both antislavery and proslavery, or to triangulate (as Professor Wilentz does in his book) by insisting that the question of slavery and the Constitution was a “paradox,” is to overstate the antislavery intentions of the Founders and to understate the effects of their compromises.

Certainly the Constitution might have been even more proslavery than it was. At Philadelphia in 1787, delegates from states that had already outlawed slavery (or were contemplating emancipation) rejected language that might have universalized slaveholding throughout the nation. Many felt the pang of conscience; some may have assumed that slavery would expire on its own. But they agreed to a series of concessions that allowed the institution to do untold damage over the next seventy-five years. As Michael Klarman writes in The Framers’ Coup (2016), his history of the Constitution, the most likely explanation for the proslavery character of the document is the simplest one: “southern delegates generally were more intent upon protecting slavery than northern delegates were upon undermining it.”

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