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Jihad for Israel?

British fighters in foreign wars--Brian Whitaker 

"The number of UK citizens and westerners travelling to fight in foreign 
conflicts has reached alarming levels unlike anything seen in recent years. We 
require an immediate response targeted at dissuading and preventing those who 
wish to go to fight from going." 

These were the words of a British parliamentary report published last April. 
The report, as might be expected, was mainly concerned with British Muslims 
fighting in Syria – of whom there are thought to be about 500.

But they are not the only ones who are (or might become) involved in foreign 
conflicts. Some British citizens have dual nationality and may therefore be 
called up for military service in other countries but some also go abroad as 
volunteers and there are thought to be about 100 British Jews serving in the 
Israeli military, even though they do not have Israeli citizenship.

The question of what to do – if anything – about Britons fighting in foreign 
wars has been around for almost 150 years. In 1870, parliament approved the 
Foreign Enlistment Act which states:

"If any person, without the licence of Her Majesty, being a British subject, 
within or without Her Majesty's dominions, accepts or agrees to accept any 
commission or engagement in the military or naval service of any foreign state 
at war with any foreign state at peace with Her Majesty, and in this Act 
referred to as a friendly state, or whether a British subject or not within Her 
Majesty's dominions, induces any other person to accept or agree to accept any 
commission or engagement in the military or naval service of any such foreign 
state as aforesaid, he shall be guilty of an offence against this Act, and 
shall be punishable by fine and imprisonment, or either of such punishments."

In other words, it is an offence to join foreign forces fighting any other 
foreign state which is not at war with Britain. It is also an offence to 
recruit people for that purpose. The immediate aim of the 1870 law was to 
prevent British citizens from joining the Franco-Prussian war.

Fast-forward to the 1930s and the Spanish Civil War, when more than 2,000 
British volunteers went off join the International Brigades, fighting the 
fascists. The writer, George Orwell, was among them. When they returned, 
several leading politicians, including Clement Atlee and Stafford Cripps, 
welcomed them back as heroes.

Others sought to have them prosecuted under the Foreign Enlistment Act but the 
move failed – apparently because to was 
difficult to produce evidence of their enlistment.

Today, their legal position would be different, as George Monbiot noted in an 
article for the Guardian:

"They would be arrested under section five of the Terrorism Act 2006. If 
convicted of fighting abroad with a 'political, ideological, religious or 
racial motive' – a charge they would find hard to contest – they would face a 
maximum sentence of life in prison. That they were fighting to defend an 
elected government against a fascist rebellion would have no bearing on the 
case. They would go down as terrorists."

Earlier this year, the head of counter-terrorism for the Crown Prosecution 
Service warned:

"“Potentially it’s an offence to go out and get involved in a conflict, however 
loathsome you think the people on the other side are.

"People have got views about all sorts of conflicts and all sorts of places, 
but our government chooses to have legislation which prevents people from 
joining in whichever conflict they have views about. We will apply the law 

If the British government seriously wants to enforce this rule, it should do so 
fairly and also apply it to Britons who join the Israeli military. 

At present, there is nothing to stop anyone joining, so long as they are 
Jewish. Israel has a recruiting programme which it advertises on the internet 
and there is also a support organisation in Britain – "Mahal Mums" – organised 
by the mothers of some who have signed up.

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