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(From FB)

Groups like Daech , Jabhat Al Nusra, Ahrar Sham Jaysh Al Islam and other similar groups are the best ennemies or friends of the assad regime. they share a similar exclusionary program and practices than the Assad regime, in other words authoritarianism, cruelty, repression and sectarianism, etc... they represent the counter revolution just as Assad and it allies.

Zahran Alloush's group Jaysh al islam use of alawi soldiers and civilians as human shields against assad bombing is one more example of what I was saying above and their reactionary nature.

Down with all the forms of barbarisms in syria. and of course Assad is the greater barbarism but this does not excuse other growing barbarism. viva the popular revolution in Syria for democracy social justice, equality and against sectarianism

Down with all counter revolutionary forces Assad and Islamic fundamentalist forces.
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