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In the past 22 years of trial and error, the ANC-led government has been its own impediment on land redistribution through a combination of bureaucratic lethargy, corruption and dogmatic adherence to artificial constructs of the “market”. Solidifying the consisted argument throughout this piece that for its capital interests the ANC will continue to reconcile ideological differences zigzagging – shifting destinations and articulating inconsistent and at times contradictory postulations – with both neoliberal and radical policies to cohesively self-correct and continue to cling to exploitative power.

In his seminal characterisation of the post-colonial state, Frantz Fanon contends that there is a recurring trajectory of almost all post-liberation movements in power in Africa: a new middle class that now decides, in its own interests, to opt for an alliance with capital, quasi-colonial and global. With this unresolved historical grievance and the slow pace to complete the land reform programme, there has been a fundamental shift in South Africa with both globalised agricultural sector and liberalised economy while the ANC-led government fails to provide an alternative to respond to the grease of global capitalism. Sad enough, the same tale captured in Fanonian thought could effortlessly be offered as one convincing explanation of the South African case.

full: https://www.counterpunch.org/2018/03/30/land-factions-and-capital-in-south-africa/
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