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"personal distancing plus social solidarity"
Re Michael:
I suggested some of the medical counsel in my prior link (
I am not an infectious diseases expert, but as an academic researcher in
the newborn ICU - I think I have interpreted the data accurately.
I think the three key points you are missing are:
1) The infectivity - or transmissibility of COVID-19 is very high. It is
termed the Ro factor, and it is in table 1 - drawn from the work of Dr
2) The equation that I think - you still seem to be making - is between the
various varieties of 'flu' and the COVID-19. They are *not* equatable.
Largely because: of the higher death rate; but perhaps even more
importantly is the absence of so-called 'herd immunity'; and the absence of
a vaccine, which is admittedly only amiable to those who are 'covered' in
the US system or how take up state programmes such as in Germany, or
even... the 'austerity-ridden' NIHS-UK.
3) The issue of Italy not deriving benefit from quarantine is - I believe
misunderstood. That is because they waited a long time. But in the end had
they not acted, the death rate would have been *even* higher. (There were
indications I understand, that the North of Italy might have been aware of
a large unique epicentre).
The exemplar on quarantining, for instance are likely, Taiwan, Singapore
and South Korea - all did impose a form of quarantining (S.Korea was quite
relatively easy as the epicenter was localised around that Church); but
crucially coupled with a mass diagnostic testing.

Defending the health care systems I agree is very important. I made the
point that the effects of the so-called 'austerity cuts' in some of the
European countries (including Italy)  - is dramatic. In other countries
where no universal health care systems have been present (USA) - the
negative effects will be even greater. The USA is compounded by being worse
than Italy in being slow and with no wide-spread diagnostics testing.
I think *after* this epidemic - there will be moments form the bourgeoisie
themselves to have better health care systems (a la Engels' 'Angel of death
quote'); and the workers will mobile more to demand restoration of the
austerity cuts at minimum - in the so-called welfare states.

You raise a good point about Chile. I guess there are two things:
1) In particular countries, there may be different decisions.
2) Even the radicals and militants will be mowed down by this
non-discriminator epidemic.

I guess I agree with a lot of Mark's comments here.
Anyway, stay safe all. Especially the older... that includes me as wells
you Louis.

Hari Kumar
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