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This is to announce that Decoding Chomsky: Science and revolutionary politics, 
by Chris Knight, has just been published by Yale University Press.

It has just been reviewed in the Chronicle of Higher Education 
here<http://www.chronicle.com/article/The-Chomsky-Puzzle-Piecing/237558>, and 
also in the Brooklyn Rail, here. 

Noam Chomsky's principled opposition to the crimes of US foreign policy has 
made him the world's most famous left-wing intellectual. This, combined with 
his work as the founder of modern scientific linguistics, led The New York 
Times to call him 'arguably the most important intellectual alive today.'

But while Chomsky's politics is left-wing and anti-establishment, his 
linguistics has for decades been very much part of the scientific establishment.

Decoding Chomsky is an attempt to clarify the roots of the post-war 'cognitive 
revolution' in the study of language and mind. It ranges from the radical art 
movements of the Russian Revolution to the influence of Pentagon funding on 
modern science. The book concludes with an exploration of current approaches to 
the origins of language and their implications for revolutionary politics in 
the 21st century.

To give a flavour of the book, Michael Tomasello and Sara Hrdy have commented 
in these terms:

"This is Chomsky from a new perspective, the perspective of a social 
anthropologist. It connects his science with his politics in a novel and 
convincing way. Knight has dug deeper and made more interconnections than 
anyone has done before. The result is truly revelatory."         - Michael 
Tomasello, author of A Natural History of Human Thinking

"Few disagree that language has been a game-changer for the human species. But 
just how we came by language remains hotly contested. In 'Decoding Chomsky', 
Chris Knight strides into this minefield to bravely replace miraculous leaps 
and teleology with a proposal that actually makes evolutionary sense."        - 
Sarah Hrdy, author of Mothers and Others: The Evolutionary Origins of Mutual 

There will be a book launch on Tuesday, November 22 at 6.45pm in the Daryll 
Forde Seminar Room, Anthropology Building, 14 Taviton St, off Gordon Square, 
London WC1E 6BT. There will also be meetings on the book at the London 
Anarchist Bookfair and at the Historical Materialism conference.

The book website is here:



Decoding Chomsky: Science and Revolutionary Politics 
Decoding Chomsky: Science and Revolutionary Politicsby Chris Knight Occupying a 
pivotal position in postwar thought, Noam Chomsky is both the founder of modern 

Best wishes,


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