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WSJ, Nov. 11 2015
Race Not Only Mizzou Issue
President and chancellor made enemies, as they tackled abortion, tight budgets and other controversies


COLUMBIA, Mo.—Racial tensions were merely the tip of the iceberg leading to the dramatic resignations Monday of University of Missouri President Tim Wolfe and Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin, according to professors, students, state lawmakers and others.

Both men made a series of enemies among faculty, graduate students and legislators, these people said. As students’ discontent over a series of recent racial incidents escalated, they found few ready supporters around campus, they added.

State Rep. Steve Cookson, chairman of the Higher Education Committee, called for Mr. Wolfe’s resignation in recent days, but said it wasn’t in support of the student protests. Instead, he said in a statement that he wanted to “shine a light on ongoing problems at the university.”

Mr. Wolfe, a former software executive who took charge of the 77,000-student university system in early 2012, and Mr. Loftin, who joined in December 2013, faced clashes touching on abortion rights, tea-party politics, academic publishing, graduate-student benefits and their response to race riots 110 miles away in Ferguson, Mo.

Faculty were skeptical from the start about Mr. Wolfe’s ability to juggle the university’s financial constraints and its academic mission, since he had no experience as a university administrator or professor. Some doubters said he proved them right three months into his tenure, when he announced plans to end a roughly $400,000 annual subsidy to the University of Missouri Press. That effectively shut the half-century-old institution, which had published such authors as Langston Hughes. About 5,000 people signed a petition urging Mr. Wolfe to reconsider.

In August 2012, he reinstated the subsidy, admitting to miscalculating the importance of the press and conceding he should have vetted the idea with faculty first. George Kennedy, a professor emeritus and former associate dean at the journalism school, said the move illustrated Mr. Wolfe’s lack of understanding of the university’s core academic mission.

“People saw that as a big sacrifice to make for a comparatively trivial amount of money,” said Ben Trachtenberg, a law professor and head of the faculty council. He added that Mr. Wolfe neglected to build bridges to the various constituencies he served and made management moves some viewed as inept.

Current and former faculty said Mr. Wolfe struggled with the public-relations side of his job, while Mr. Loftin, chancellor of the 35,000-student main campus here, cultivated a reputation as a congenial administrator but bent too quickly to political pressures and often blamed Mr. Wolfe for his own inaction.

Messrs. Wolfe and Loftin were unavailable for comment Tuesday. A spokesman for Mr. Wolfe said decisions on issues such as graduate-student benefits and abortion were made at the campus level, not the university-system level Mr. Wolfe oversaw.

Unlike Mr. Wolfe, who is leaving the university system, Mr. Loftin said he would move to a new role as director of the university’s research facilities development. On Friday, Mr. Loftin said in a statement there were “robust anti-hate and anti-bias programs” at the university.

Demonstrations erupted on campus in fall 2014 over the police shooting of an unarmed 18-year-old in Ferguson that August. Students marched through fraternity row, prompting university officials to organize forums on race relations.

Some student protesters Tuesday described a forum last fall as uncomfortable and attended primarily by black students. The forum, they said, did little more than check a box showing the administrators were responding.

The weeks leading up to start of the school year this past August brought new student complaints about officials’ handling of race issues, among other divisive issues.

On Aug. 14, the university notified graduate students of planned cuts to their health insurance—about 13 hours before the benefits would expire. Moreover, the university failed to consult graduate-student leaders ahead of the planned cuts, said Hallie Thompson, president of the Graduate Professional Council and a PhD student in the division of plant sciences.

A few days later, a newly formed graduate-student group threatened a walkout if the school didn’t improve their pay, housing and child-care benefits as well as health care. The chancellor reinstated health benefits Aug. 21, but the students still held a rally seeking further concessions.

Some conservative state legislators grilled Mr. Loftin in August about the school’s relationship with Planned Parenthood. At the time, Republicans in Washington called for cutting federal funding to the organization in the wake of videos that showed Planned Parenthood employees talking about research use of fetal tissue from pregnancies terminated in its clinics.

Amid the controversy, university officials ended certain hospital privileges for one doctor tied to Planned Parenthood and halted agreements that allowed nonmedical-school students to do rotations at a Planned Parenthood clinic. Those moves drew criticism on campus.

“It’s very clear that Loftin caved in to pressure from a right-wing state legislator, without much of any consultation with the faculty,” Mr. Kennedy said.

Still, Republican legislators offered a list of complaints about the university’s management, ranging from the purchase of a golf course in a time of tight budgets to allowing a professor to remain on tenure track while running for public office.

Meanwhile, Mr. Wolfe caught heat for inaction. He remained seated in a convertible when surrounded by demonstrators during a homecoming parade Oct. 10, and students say he dismissed their complaints about institutional racism. Then, on Oct. 24, someone scrawled a swastika in excrement on a dorm wall.

Inspired in part by the students’ discontent, on Nov. 3, 26 members of the flagship campus’s English Department voted “no confidence” in Mr. Loftin. They wrote to the university’s oversight body, the Board of Curators, that Mr. Loftin’s 21-month tenure “has been marked by dereliction of duty in maintaining the quality and reputation of graduate education, violations of the bedrock principle of shared governance, and failure to defend the University’s educational mission against outside political pressure.”

Within a week, members of the Department of Romance Languages echoed the no-confidence vote and nine deans signed a letter asking the curators to dismiss Mr. Loftin, saying he created “a toxic environment through threat, fear and intimidation.”

Catherine Allen, one of three people who head the university’s $1.4 billion capital campaign, said she has fielded calls from donors expressing concern about recent events but that no one has said they would contribute less in the future.

“I feel that we will come through this, but it is a crisis,” said Ms. Allen, who is chairman and chief executive of Santa Fe Group, a cybersecurity and risk-management company, and a 1968 Missouri grad.

—Kris Maher contributed to this article.
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