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[Please publicise widely]

Radical Anthropology talks in London, Summer 2016

Economics, politics and science

Tuesdays, 6.45-9.00pm

Language, art, music and culture emerged in Africa over 100,000 years ago, 
culminating in a symbolic explosion or 'human revolution' whose echoes can 
still be heard in myths and cultural traditions from around the world. These 
talks are a general introduction to social and biological anthropology, ranging 
over fields as diverse as hunter-gatherer studies, mythology, primatology, 
archaeology and archaeoastronomy. Radical Anthropology brings indigenous rights 
activists, environmentalists, feminists and others striving for a better world 
together with people who just want to learn about anthropology. There is always 
time for questions and discussion after each talk and there are good local pubs 
for those wishing to socialise into the evening.

Apr 12    Rejecting the illusion of economic growth: can lunarchy work?    
Chris Knight

Apr 19    Vietnam, student resistance and the politics of Noam Chomsky.   Chris 

Apr 26     What makes people weird? Menstrual taboos among scientists in 
Western, Educated, Industrial, Rich and Democratic (WEIRD) countries. Chris 

May  3    Major transitions in evolution: when's the next one?     Kit Opie

May 10    Late Pleistocene demography and the appearance of modern human 
behavior.   Mark Thomas

May 17    We were like sisters: collective ritual practices among women sharing 
direct  sales cosmetics.     Elena Fejdiova

May 24   The masquerade and the mobile phone: how do local religious traditions 
survive and adapt in an era of globalised technology?               Roger Blench

May 31   The Cosmic Vagina: Discovery, death and the purification of life among 
the Maori.  Dave Robinson

Jun  7   Through the dark vale: interpreting the Stonehenge Palisade by 
interdisciplinary convergence.   Lionel Sims

Jun 14   Falstaff: Lunarchy in the Kingdom of England   Camilla Power

Jun 21   Spinning/weaving in the heavens: the new archaoastronomy  Morag 

Jun 28   Enlightenment at night: metaphor and knowledge after the scientific 
revolution.   Anthony Auerbach

All talks are free and open to all in the Daryll Forde Seminar Room, 
Anthropology Building, 14 Taviton St, off Gordon Square, London WC1E 6BT.

Tube: Euston. Info: radicalanthropologygroup.org  @radicalanthro  Facebook

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