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I'm not sure who Paul Street is - given the shakiness of left-supporting writers in CounterPunch and other leftish publications he may be a secret Assadist, or have a library full of reactionary writers -
but these two paragraphs were precious!

Recommending the whole article.

- Bill

"There’s a lot of factors in play but one nobody seems to care about and that deserves far more attention than it receives is the archaic, explicitly anti-democratic 18^th century aristo-republican U.S. Constitution that we moronically venerate and follow twenty-three decades after it was ratified for the clear purpose of
protecting propertied elites against the non-affluent American majority.

Our Holy Constitution’s (OHC’s) Electoral College (EC) permits an absurd over-representation of rural and disproportionately white, rural, racist, and Republican states in presidential elections.  We do not elect presidents directly, on the one-person, one-vote basis of majority rule, an elementary principle of democracy. The EC has trumped the popular vote in five presidential elections, including 2016 and two
of the last five."


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